
NEMO Whatis Manual Reference

Created on: Mon Jul 8 11:56:39 EDT 2024 by teuben@DL5420(none)

Note: this page may still have some bad cross-references

  • Movietool Movietool (L) - a display tool for sequences of .I Sun rasterfiles providing "video animation" in a Sun window.
  • RosettaMan, RosettaMan, rman (1) - reverse compile man pages from formatted form to a number of source formats
  • TkMan, TkMan, tkman (1) - a graphical manual page browser, with hypertext
  • VOGL VOGL (3) - A very ordinary GL Library.
  • addlib addlib (8NEMO) - add module(s) to a library
  • afof afof (1) - Find groups in N\-body simulations using an approximate friends\-of\-friends method.
  • allocate, allocate, reallocate (3NEMO) - memory allocation with error control.
  • anisot anisot (1NEMO) - tabulate models for spherical galaxies
  • atos, atos, atos_sp atosph, atosph_sp (1NEMO) - convert ascii N-body file to structured binary format
  • badman badman (8NEMO) - create reference to non-existing documentation
  • badman badman (XNEMO) - reference to non-existing documentation
  • badman badman (XNEMO) - reference to non-existing documentation
  • badnews badnews (1NEMO) - display bad news for user
  • body, body, barebody (3NEMO) - point-mass particle structures
  • bodytrans bodytrans (1NEMO) - test and optionally save body to scalar mapping
  • bodytrans bodytrans (5NEMO) - dataformat for body to scalar mapping functions
  • bswap bswap (1NEMO) - swap bytes in a file
  • btrtrans, btrtrans, btitrans (3NEMO) - obtain pointer to body-scalar mapping function
  • bug bug (1NEMO) - add bug reports to NEMO
  • bugs bugs (1NEMO) - show NEMO's bug reports
  • burststring burststring (3NEMO) - separate a string into tokens, and free them
  • calc calc (1) - arbitrary precision calculator
  • cc cc (8NEMO) - NEMO's C compiler
  • ccddisplay ccddisplay (1NEMO) - displays an Image(5NEMO) file onto a color Sun screen
  • ccddump ccddump (1NEMO) - dump contents of an image
  • ccdfft ccdfft (1NEMO) - 2D fourier transform of a map
  • ccdfill ccdfill (1NEMO) - patch up the holes in an image
  • ccdfits ccdfits (1NEMO) - write a fits file to disk
  • ccdmath ccdmath (1NEMO) - map arithmetic using function expressions
  • ccdmom ccdmom (1NEMO) - moment along an axis of an image
  • ccdplot ccdplot (1NEMO) - display program for 2D image maps (contour and/or gray-scale)
  • ccdprint ccdprint (1NEMO) - print out map values
  • ccdsharp ccdsharp (1NEMO) - enhance/sharpen an image
  • ccdslice ccdslice (1NEMO) - takes slices and/or re-orient an image cube
  • ccdsmooth ccdsmooth (1NEMO) - smoothing of an image map (2D or 3D)
  • ccdstat ccdstat (1NEMO) - statistics (1st through 4th moment)
  • ccdvel ccdvel (1NEMO) - create a velocity field; grid or retrace
  • contour contour (3NEMO) - simple contour routine
  • conv123 conv123 (1) - The ASCII to Lotus(TM) spreadsheet converter
  • cookbook cookbook (8NEMO) - a quick list of what to do to run treecode on the 205
  • cproto cproto (1) - generate C function prototypes from C source code
  • csf csf (1NEMO) - copy structured file
  • ctex ctex (1NEMO) - extract tex comments from C/C++ source code
  • data data (5NEMO) - list of various data file online with NEMO.
  • denmax denmax (1.1) - Find gravitationally bound groups in N-body simulations.
  • doc doc (5MIR) - documentation format for miriad
  • dprintf dprintf (3NEMO) - debug level dependant formatted output conversion
  • drange, drange, irange (3NEMO) - parser of ascii string into an array of values
  • ds ds (1) - a window and mouse-based utility for displaying a picture
  • ds ds (1) - a window and mouse-based utility for displaying a picture
  • dynamem, dynamem, freeup (3) - multidimensional dynamic array handling
  • error, error, warning, recover, stop (3NEMO) - handle errors and warnings and system exit
  • example example (8NEMO) - example skeleton file for manual writers
  • export export (8NEMO) - export new files as a tar file to remote sites
  • file_size, file_size, file_lines (3NEMO) - get size (in bytes/lines) of a file
  • files files (8NEMO) - summary of all special files, environment variables, programmers etc.
  • filestruct filestruct (3NEMO) - primitives for structured binary file I/O
  • filestruct filestruct (5NEMO) - binary structured file format
  • findsrc findsrc (1l) - walk directories, trying to find source files
  • fitopen, fitopen, fitclose, fitread, fitwrite, fitsetpl, fitrdhdr, fitrdhdi, fitwrhdr, fitwrhdi, fitwrhdl, fitwrhda (3NEMO) - simple fits I/O routines
  • fits fits (5NEMO) - standard astronomical data interchange format
  • fitsccd fitsccd (1NEMO) - read a (fits) image file from disk
  • fitsgids, fitsgids, mirgids (1NEMO) - display an image on the GIDS display server
  • fitsgrid fitsgrid (1NEMO) - convert fits binary table to regular fits image by gridding
  • fitshead fitshead (1NEMO) - dump the header of a fits file, or convert ascii to fits header
  • fitssds fitssds (1NEMO) - convert FITS to SDS HDF
  • fitstab fitstab (1NEMO) - convert fits table to ascii table
  • fitstiff fitstiff (1NEMO) - convert FITS file into TIFF file
  • fof fof (1.1) - Find groups in N\-body simulations using the friends\-of\-friends method.
  • ft_open, ft_open, ft_spline, ft_close (3NEMO) - function table processing routines
  • ftoc ftoc (1NEMO) - nemo_main() builder from fortran source code
  • fts_rhead, fts_rhead, fts_whead, fts_rdata, fts_wdata, fts_sdata, fts_zero, fts_dsize (3NEMO) - fits I/O routines
  • functions functions (5NEMO) - math functions in various packages
  • funtab funtab (1NEMO) - Function Table lookup
  • gaussfit gaussfit (1NEMO) - Least Squares and Robust Estimation
  • getXparam, getXparam, initparam, finiparam, stop (3NEMO) - main startup and command line processing.
  • get_atable, get_atable, get_ftable, get_line, parse, strinsert (3NEMO) - table manipulator routines
  • get_history, get_history, put_history, app_history , ask_history, reset_history, ask_headline, set_headline (3NEMO) - data history utilities
  • get_potential get_potential (3NEMO) - obtain potential descriptor and pattern speed
  • get_snap get_snap (3NEMO) - input method for standardized snapshot files
  • getdrange, getdrange, getirange (3NEMO) - parse string into an array of values of unknown size (slow)
  • getmem, getmem, scopy, sconc, substr, findstr (3NEMO) - string utilities
  • getrfunc getrfunc (3NEMO) - arbitrary function parser
  • gettab gettab (1NEMO) - extract real table from a table
  • getxstr, getxstr, putxstr, copxstr, xstrlen, xstreq (3NEMO) - extended string functions
  • gids gids (1NEMO) - Groningen Image Display Server
  • gravsim0 gravsim0 (1NEMO) - NEMO frontend for the GRAVSIM family of programs
  • hackcode1, hackcode1, hackcode1_qp (1NEMO) - hierarchical N-body code
  • hackcode3, hackcode3, hackcode3_qp (1NEMO) - hierarchical N-body code (3)
  • hackdens hackdens (1NEMO) - local density estimator using tree algorithm
  • hackforce, hackforce, hackforce_qp (1NEMO) - hierarchical force calculation
  • hd hd (1) - dump the contents of a file in hex
  • hdfgrid hdfgrid (1NEMO) - Regrid a polar HDF SDS to cartesian image
  • henyey henyey (1NEMO) - search for periodic orbits in a potential (Henyey's method)
  • herinp herinp (3NEMO) - decode string into reals, integers, logicals, characters or bytes
  • hi hi (5NEMO) - ascii format for (ADC and other) HI surveys
  • himap himap (1NEMO) - Construct galactic XY/TR MAP from an LV diagram
  • hisf hisf (1NEMO) - display and manipulate history of datafiles.
  • hispectrum hispectrum (1NEMO) - HI spectrum extraction and gridder
  • histid histid (3NEMO) - find histogram index of a value in an array
  • histogramidx histogramidx (3NEMO) - find histogram index of a value in an array
  • hugh hugh (5NEMO) - binary format for N-body snapshot files
  • icsccu, icsccu, icsevu, dcsevu (3NEMO) - IMSL emulator routines for interpolation and differentiation
  • icsccu, icsccu, icsevu, dcsevu (3NEMO) - IMSL emulator routines for interpolation and differentiation
  • image image (5NEMO) - binary format for 2D and 3D image files
  • import import (8NEMO) - import new files as a tar file from remote sites
  • index index (1NEMO) - index of NEMO commands and utilities
  • index index (3NEMO) - index of all library functions in NEMO's $NEMOLIB
  • ini_moment, ini_moment, accum_moment, decr_moment, reset_moment, show_moment, n_moment, sum_moment, mean_moment, sigma_moment, skewness_moment, kurtosis_moment, min_moment, max_moment (3NEMO) - various moment and minmax routines
  • inifie, inifie, dofie, dmpfie (3NEMO) - expression parser
  • inifien, inifien, dofien, dmpfien (3NEMO) - expression parser (C)
  • inil_grid, inil_grid, inia_grid, inip_grid, index_grid, value_grid (3NEMO) - various (1D) gridding routines
  • init_Hash_Table, init_Hash_Table, get_hash, put_hash, next_hash (3NEMO) - hash functions
  • intro intro (LNEMO) - introduction to local NEMO tools
  • ipick ipick (1) - A screen-based filter to .IR i nteractively .I pick lines
  • kep2kep kep2kep (1NEMO) - interactive transformations between kepler orbit coordinates
  • keywords keywords (5NEMO) - list of standard keywords in NEMO.
  • king king (1NEMO) - tabulate Osipkov-Merritt generalization of King model
  • layout layout (5NEMO) - layout command for YAPP interpreter
  • linreg linreg (3NEMO) - linear regression: all six methods
  • loadobj, loadobj, findfn, mysymbols (3NEMO) - dynamic object file loader
  • lsq_zero, lsq_zero, lsq_accum, lsq_solve (3NEMO) - least squares fitting utilities
  • makekit makekit (1l) - split files up into shell archive packages
  • match, match, partialstreq (3NEMO) - minimal match of sub-strings
  • mcstrip, mcstrip, cyclo (1) - tools for analysing cyclomatic complexity
  • memopen, memopen, memclose, memseek, memfread, memdread, memiread (3NEMO) - memory operations to aid casting/parsing misaligned data
  • miller miller (1NEMO) - convert Miller's (ascii) plot file to snapshot format
  • miller miller (5NEMO) - ascii (plot) format for Miller's N-body snapshot files
  • mkbaredisk mkbaredisk (1NEMO) - make an exponential disk
  • mkbin mkbin (8NEMO) - compile and link a NEMO program
  • mkconfig mkconfig (1NEMO) - make a static configuration of particles.
  • mkcube mkcube (1NEMO) - create a uniform cube of equal massive stars
  • mkdisk mkdisk (1NEMO) - create a uniform-density test disk in an external potential
  • mkepidisk mkepidisk (1NEMO) - uniform-ring-density test disk on epicycles
  • mkexpdisk mkexpdisk (1NEMO) - make an exponential disk
  • mkexphot mkexphot (1NEMO) - make an exponential disk (hot) embedded in a halo
  • mkhomsph mkhomsph (1NEMO) - make homogeneous sphere
  • mkisosph mkisosph (1NEMO) - make finite isothermal sphere
  • mklib mklib (8NEMO) - update main NEMO library
  • mkmestel mkmestel (1NEMO) - make a finite Mestel disk
  • mknbody5 mknbody5 (1NEMO) - Create initial conditions using the NBODY5 program
  • mknemo mknemo (8NEMO) - attempt to find NEMO programs and install them
  • mkommod mkommod (1NEMO) - generate N-body system with anisotropic distribution function
  • mkop73 mkop73 (1NEMO) - set up a Mestel disk using 1973 Ostriker & Peebles' method
  • mkorbit mkorbit (1NEMO) - make an orbit with initial conditions
  • mkpdoc mkpdoc (8NEMO) - update doc files
  • mkplummer mkplummer (1NEMO) - generates a snapshot according to a truncated Plummer model
  • mkplummer mkplummer (3NEMO) - generates a snapshot according to a truncated Plummer model
  • mkpolytrope mkpolytrope (1NEMO) - make N-body model of generalized polytrope
  • mksphere mksphere (1NEMO) - construct an arbitrary spherical mass distribution
  • mkspiral mkspiral (1NEMO) - uniform-density test disk plus spiral in spherical potential
  • mktestdisk mktestdisk (1NEMO) - make uniform-density test disk in spheroid
  • movie, movie, movie_sv (1NEMO) - realtime playback of SUN rasterfiles
  • nbody0 nbody0 (1NEMO) - direct summation Aarseth N-body integrator
  • nbody1 nbody1 (1NEMO) - direct summation N-body integrator with variable timestep
  • nbody2 nbody2 (1NEMO) - direct summation N-body integrator with Ahmad-Cohen scheme
  • nbody5 nbody5 (1NEMO) - Regularized AC N-body code with triple & binary collisions.
  • nemo_main nemo_main (3NEMO) - preferred main entry point for NEMO C and C++ programs
  • nemodir nemodir (8NEMO) - introduction to NEMO directory structure
  • nemoinp nemoinp (1NEMO) - parse a user supplied number string
  • nemoinp nemoinp (3NEMO) - decode and parse string into reals, integers, logicals
  • nemoshow nemoshow (1NEMO) - overview of current NEMO environment
  • new new (1NEMO) - add improvements/additions reports to NEMO
  • news news (1NEMO) - shell scripts to interact with nemo's news facility
  • newton0, newton0, newton0tree, newton0reg (1NEMO) - nbody codes with equal time steps
  • nllsqfit nllsqfit (3NEMO) - (non)linear least squares fit
  • orbdim orbdim (1NEMO) - compute dimensionaly of phase space for an orbit
  • orbfour orbfour (1NEMO) - show geometric fourier coefficients of an orbit
  • orbint orbint (1NEMO) - integrating single stellar orbit
  • orbit orbit (5NEMO) - binary format for stellar orbits
  • orblist orblist (1NEMO) - list an orbit
  • orbname orbname (1NEMO) - Orbit classification and plotting
  • orbplot orbplot (1NEMO) - plot an orbit
  • orbsos orbsos (1NEMO) - compute SOS coordinates from an orbit
  • orbstat orbstat (1NEMO) - tabulate some orbital statistics
  • orbwood orbwood (1NEMO) - Orbit Spectral Analysis
  • otos otos (1NEMO) - convert and combine orbits to a snapshot
  • perorb perorb (1NEMO) - interactive/iterative search for XY-periodic orbits in symmetric potentials
  • pl_fread, pl_fread, pl_lread, pl_exec (3NEMO) - ASCII interpreter of YAPP commands
  • plummer plummer (1NEMO) - tabulate Osipkov-Merritt generalization of Plummer model
  • potccd potccd (1NEMO) - Create an image with potentials or densities from a potential
  • potcode potcode (1NEMO) - non-selfconsistent N-body code with options to dissipate/diffuse orbits
  • potlist potlist (1NEMO) - list potential value and forces of a potential descriptor
  • programs programs (8NEMO) - list of currently available nemo(1NEMO) commands, ordered thematically
  • prun prun (1NEMO) - cosmological particle-mesh (AP3M) integration code
  • pspeed pspeed (1NEMO) - calculate the pattern speed of a stellar system.
  • pstart pstart (1NEMO) - initialization routines for cosmological particle-mesh (AP3M) code
  • qsf qsf (1NEMO) - query a structured file
  • quadcode quadcode (1NEMO) - global quadrupole-order N-body code integrator
  • quadforce quadforce (1NEMO) - quadrupole-order force calculation of an N-body system.
  • quadinter quadinter (1NEMO) - quadrupole-order force calculation from tabulated field.
  • radprof radprof (1NEMO) - tabulate or display radial profiles of an N-body snapshot
  • read_image, read_image, write_image (3NEMO) - high level image i/o
  • read_orbit, read_orbit, write_orbit, allocate_orbit, list_orbit (3NEMO) - basic orbit i/o routines
  • recipes recipes (3NEMO) - selection of Numerical Recipes routines
  • redir redir (1) - redirect standard output and/or standard error (diagnostic output)
  • root, root, extension, head, tail, defext, pathopen, pathfind, _mappath, (3NEMO) - file operations
  • rostat rostat (1NEMO) - ROSTAT statistical routines
  • rotcur rotcur (1NEMO) - fit kinematic parameters from velocity field
  • rotcurves rotcurves (1NEMO) - rotation curve of a composite potential
  • rsf rsf (1NEMO) - read a structured file
  • rtfm rtfm (1NEMO) - read the fucking manual
  • rv rv (5NEMO) - binary format for N-body snapshot files
  • rvc rvc (5NEMO) - binary format for N-body snapshot files
  • rvcsnap rvcsnap (1NEMO) - convert Couchman's rvc files to snapshot format
  • scanfits scanfits (1NEMO) - scan a fits file, optionally extract and convert.
  • scanopt scanopt (3NEMO) - scan a string of the form "word1,word2,..." for word match
  • sdsfits sdsfits (1NEMO) - convert SDS HDF to FITS
  • set_xrandom, set_xrandom, xrandom, grandom, frandom (3NEMO) - random number generators
  • shar shar (1l) - create shell archive file for extraction by /bin/sh
  • shell shell (1l) - Interpreter for shell archives
  • smooth smooth (2.01) - Calculate smoothed quantities over all particles
  • snap snap - (fortran binary) format for N-body simulations (5NEMO) - version 2
  • snap3dv snap3dv (NEMO) - create ascii file for 3D viewing from a snapshot
  • snapadd snapadd (1NEMO) - adds N-body systems on top of each other
  • snapaxsym snapaxsym (1NEMO) - generates an around-axis integrated ccd-like frame of an N-body snapshot
  • snapccd snapccd (1NEMO) - top view integrated velocity moment ccd-like image
  • snapcenter snapcenter (1NEMO) - translate snapshot data to coordinates centered on subset of bodies
  • snapcmp snapcmp (1NEMO) - compare two N-body snapshots
  • snapcmphist snapcmphist (1NEMO) - compare two N-body snapshots and plot histogram
  • snapcomove snapcomove (1NEMO) - scale cosmological simulations to/from comoving coordinates
  • snapcopy snapcopy (1NEMO) - copy particles of snapshot subject to conditions
  • snapdens snapdens (1NEMO) - local density estimator in an N-body snapshot
  • snapdiagplot snapdiagplot (1NEMO) - plot diagnostics of an N-body run
  • snapdist snapdist (1NEMO) - gives a measure for the distance between two snapshots, with and without sliding in time to minimize the distance.
  • snapenter snapenter (1NEMO) - enter an N-body snapshot interactively into a file
  • snapfit snapfit (1NEMO) - fit a (6D) snapshot to a (3D) data cube ** in development **
  • snapfits snapfits (1NEMO) - convert a snapshot file to a fits file.
  • snapfour snapfour (1NEMO) - fourier analyze a snapshot
  • snapgrid snapgrid (1NEMO) - grid a snapshot into a 2D or 3D image (cube)
  • snaphdf snaphdf (1NEMO) - convert snapshot to HDF SD
  • snaphist snaphist (1NEMO) - histogram of projected radii and radial velocities of a snapshot
  • snapinert snapinert (1NEMO) - calculate momentum of inertia of a snapshot
  • snapkinem snapkinem (1NEMO) - compute kinematic diagnostics for snapshot
  • snaplist snaplist (1NEMO) - makes a listing of an N-body snapshot file
  • snapmask snapmask (1NEMO) - mask out certain particles while copying particles from an N-body system
  • snapmass snapmass (1NEMO) - add or modify masses in a snapshot
  • snapmerge snapmerge (1NEMO) - merge N-body snapshots together
  • snapmnmx snapmnmx (1NEMO) - show statistics of snapshot variables
  • snapmradii snapmradii (1NEMO) - print mass radii in a snapshot
  • snapmstat snapmstat (1NEMO) - statistics of the masses in a snapshot
  • snapopt snapopt (1NEMO) - Special Ostriker-Peebles 't' calculator
  • snappeak snappeak (1NEMO) - find peak in each phase space coordinate using a mode analysis
  • snapplot, snapplot, trakplot (1NEMO) - display an N-body snapshot file
  • snapplotedit snapplotedit (1NEMO) - display and edit an N-body snapshot file
  • snapplotv snapplotv (1NEMO) - display an N-body snapshot file as a vector field
  • snapprint snapprint (1NEMO) - print out items of a snapshot in table format
  • snaprect snaprect (1NEMO) - diagonalize moment-of-inertia of snapshot
  • snaprotate snaprotate (1NEMO) - rotate N-body snapshot file about principle axes.
  • snapsample snapsample (1NEMO) - select a subset particles in snapshot
  • snapscale snapscale (1NEMO) - re-scale an N-body system
  • snapshift snapshift (1NEMO) - shifts the phase space coordinates of an N-body system
  • snapshot snapshot (5NEMO) - format for N-body snapshot files
  • snapslit snapslit (1NEMO) - slit spectrum of an N-body snapshot
  • snapsmooth snapsmooth (1NEMO) - adaptive variable length smoothing
  • snapsort snapsort (1NEMO) - sort particles of an N-body snapshot
  • snapsphere snapsphere (1NEMO) - copy a phase space sphere of particles from an N-body system
  • snapspin snapspin (1NEMO) - add Z-angular momentum to an N-body snapshot
  • snapsplit snapsplit (1NEMO) - split a snapshot into pieces
  • snapstab snapstab (1NEMO) - report on stability of a stellar system
  • snapstack snapstack (1NEMO) - superimpose two N-body snapshots
  • snapstat snapstat () - compute various statistics of an N-body snapshot
  • snaptipsy snaptipsy (1NEMO) - convert a snapshot to tipsy binary format
  • snaptrans snaptrans (1NEMO) - coordinate transformations of a snapshot
  • snaptrim snaptrim (1NEMO) - select a subset of the snapshot frames in a file
  • snapvirial snapvirial (1NEMO) - scale snapshots while retaining virial ratio
  • snapvratio snapvratio (1NEMO) - compute various global virials (clausius, newton)
  • snapxyz, snapxyz, snapxyzvel (1NEMO) - Convert snapshot to xyzc data
  • software software (8NEMO) - list of things which need improvements
  • spline, spline, seval (3NEMO) - cubic spline fit interpolation and derivatives
  • sqr, sqr, qbe, log2, dex (3NEMO) - some additional math functions: square, cube, log
  • status status (3NEMO) - write out status-line information
  • stoa, stoa, stoa_sp (1NEMO) - convert structured binary N-body file to ascii format
  • stod stod (1NEMO) - convert a NEMO snapshot to a STARLAB dyn (node/story)
  • stoo stoo (1NEMO) - convert snapshot to orbit: choose one particle
  • stou4 stou4 (1NEMO) - convert snapshot to unit-4 for NBODYx
  • stropen, stropen, strclose, strdelete, strname, strseek (3NEMO) - file-stream enhanced utilities
  • tabcomment tabcomment (1NEMO) - Add comments to a table, or comment certain lines
  • tabhist tabhist (1NEMO) - histogram plotter and gaussian fit for tabular data
  • table table (TABLE) - table format
  • tablint tablint (1NEMO) - prototype table syntax checker
  • tablovas tablovas (1NEMO) - Lovas spectral line catalogue manipulator (**preliminary**)
  • tablsqfit tablsqfit (1NEMO) - general purpose least squares fitting program
  • tablst tablst (1NEMO) - list a (binary) table
  • tabmath tabmath (1NEMO) - general table manipulator
  • tabplot tabplot (1NEMO) - general table plotter
  • tabpp tabpp (1NEMO) - Poynter-Pickett spectral line catalogue manipulator
  • tabs tabs (1NEMO) - table format converter
  • tabsplit tabsplit (1NEMO) - split the input table file into two tables
  • tabtos tabtos (1NEMO) - convert structured ASCII tables into snapshot format
  • tabview tabview (1NEMO) - prototype dynamic query table viewer
  • tipsy tipsy (5NEMO) - formats used in TIPSY package
  • tipsysnap tipsysnap (1NEMO) - convert tipsy ascii file to snapshot
  • tr2latex tr2latex (1) - convert a document from troff to LaTeX
  • transkepler transkepler (3NEMO) - transforms a Kepler orbit to a different representation
  • treecode treecode (1NEMO) - fortran version of hackcode
  • treecode0 treecode0 (1NEMO) - NEMO frontend for the TREECODE family of programs
  • treecode2 treecode2 (1NEMO) - fortran version of hackcode, with Cray optimizations and no recursion
  • treesfr treesfr (1NEMO) - treecode with sticky particle ISM model and star formation
  • tricks tricks (8NEMO) - some tricks (and bugs) when using NEMO
  • tsd tsd (1NEMO) - scan and report contents of an HDF SDS
  • tsf tsf (1NEMO) - type a structured file
  • u3tos u3tos (1NEMO) - Convert NBODY unit 3 output data to snapshot
  • u4tos u4tos (1NEMO) - Convert NBODY unit-4 file to snapshot
  • unbind unbind (1NEMO) - find unbound stars to a stellar system
  • unfio unfio (1NEMO) - access fortran unformatted I/O files
  • unfscan, unfscan, unfread, unfswap (3NEMO) - unformatted FORTRAN I/O data access from C
  • units units (1NEMO) - units conversion utility
  • unproto unproto (1) - compile ANSI C with traditional UNIX C compiler
  • unshar unshar (1l) - unpack shell archives from news, mail, notes, etc.
  • update update (1NEMO) - combine multiple fortran source files for CYBER 205's UPDATE
  • usage205 usage205 (8NEMO) - a very short and simple instruction list for Cyber 205 users.
  • usageeta10 usageeta10 (8NEMO) - a very short and simple instruction list for ETA 10 users.
  • uuexplode uuexplode (1L) - decode multiple and/or multipart uuencoded files to their target files
  • vectmath.h vectmath.h (3NEMO) - vector and matrix math package
  • vmsfix vmsfix (1NEMO) - attempt to fix up mangled VMS FITS files
  • waisindex waisindex (1) - Indexes files
  • waissearch waissearch (1) - Simple shell user interface for making WAIS requests
  • waisserver waisserver (1) - serves WAIS requests
  • worldpos, worldpos, xypix (3NEMO) - astronomical coordinate conversions
  • x3d x3d (1) - interactive (X-windows based) 3d viewer
  • xaxis, xaxis, yaxis, axvar, xaxvar, yaxvar (3NEMO) - routines to draw various kinds of axes
  • xcps xcps (1) - Colour PostScript dump facility for X11.4
  • xrastool xrastool (n) - animate rasterfiles in an XView window
  • xvp, xvp, xvm (5NEMO) - direct access binary format for N-body data
  • xvpsnap xvpsnap (1NEMO) - convert xvp NBODY files to snapshot format files
  • xwais xwais (1) - X interface to the WAIS system
  • xwaisq xwaisq (1) - X interface to the WAIS questions
  • xyopen, xyopen, xyclose, xyread, xywrite, xysetpl (3NEMO) - line based image I/O
  • xyzc xyzc (5NEMO) - binary format for colorized point data, with optional velocities
  • xyzview, xyzview, xyzvelview (1NEMO) - Display 3-D point (velocity) data
  • yapp yapp (3NEMO) - yet another plotting package
  • yapp yapp (5NEMO) - Yet Another Plotting Package