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mkcube - create a uniform cube of equal massive stars (the borg)
out=snapshot [parameter=value]
mkcube generates a random realization
of a cube. Coordinates in X, Y and Z are uniformly randomly distributed
on a cube with given size. Velocities by default are zero, but can be drawn
from an isotropic distribution with choosen dispersion.
As with most NEMO
programs, the center of mass is (roughly, see zerocm=) at the origin, thus
coordinates run from -size/2 to +size/2.
The following parameters
are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the keyword
is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
- out=
- Output
file name, in snapshot(5NEMO)
format. No default.
- nbody=
- Number of particles.
[Default: 256].
- size=
- Size of cube. [Default: 1].
- sigma=
- Isotropic velocity
dispersion. [Default: 0.0].
- seed=
- Random number seed [Default: 0].
- zerocm=t|f
- Center c.o.m. ? [Default: t].
- headline=
- Text headline for output Default:
, mkplummer(1NEMO)
, snapshot(5NEMO)
(The gravitational field of a cube, Chappel et al.)
The following
benchmark creates a large nbody cube, is gridded in an image cube and converted
to a fits file (the fits file is normally half the size of the ccd file,
since the latter uses double precision):
mkcube cube1 $nbody 4.0
snapgrid cube1 cube1.ccd nx=$nx ny=$nx nz=$nx zvar=z zrange=-2:2
ccdfits cube1.ccd cube1.fits
and with the following timings (user and system times reported) on a 512GB
nbody nx size size mkcube snapgrid ccdfits
1e7 128 547MB 16 0.59u 0.55s 1.15u 0.48s
1e7 256 131 1.74u 0.54s
1e7 512 1048 2.31u 1.15s 4.03u 0.81s
1e8 128 5.4G 6.55u 7.31s 11.62u 5.89s
256 15.46u 6.17s
512 21.51u 6.75s
1024 41.23u 16.45s
2048 65.91u 63.51s
1e9 128 54G 69.05u 81.46s 73.83u 53.74s
256 79.05u 42.24s
512 81.07u 39.53s
1024 8GB 103.28u 43.67s 74.26u 5.21s
2048 64GB 145.19u 85.29s -failed-
Peter Teuben
26-Aug-93 V1.0 Created PJT
25-mar-2022 added benchmark PJT
Table of Contents