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mkommod - generate N-body system with anisotropic distribution function
mkommod in=in_file out=out_file [parameter=value] ...
generates N-body realizations of a spherical system with a spheroidal anisotropic
distribution function a la Osipkov-Merritt, using tables of radius, mass,
potential, and distribution function.
We keep a number of example tables
in $NEMODAT, see data(5NEMO)
for a full description.
The following
parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the
keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
- in=in_file
- Read input tables in binary from in_file, which should contain
an OsipkovMerrittModel data set.
Default: required.
- out=out_file
- Write
snapshot(s) to out_file in snapshot(5NEMO)
form. Default: required.
- nbody=num_bodies
- Number of particles to generate per model. Default: 512.
- seed=random_seed
- Seed used to initialize random number generator. Default: 123.
- ftrun=mass_frac
- To save time in the rejection phase, all particles generated will lie within
the radius containing a fraction mass_frac of the total mass. Since the
d.f. is not truncated in energy, this amounts to a slight bias in the orbital
phases of a few outlying particles. Default: 0.999.
- zerocm=zero_flag
- If true,
zero center of mass of generated model(s). Default: true.
- nmodel=num_models
- Number of models to generate, written one after the other to out_file.
Default: 1.
- headline=message
- Message prepended to out_file.
- epsilon=epsilon
- Small number that controls potential roundoff problems in f(E) [Default:
mkommod in=$NEMODAT/k2isot.dat out=k1.snap nbody=1000
, snapshot(5NEMO)
Binney & Tremaine (1987), pp.240
Osipkov, L.P. 1979, Soviet Astron Lett, 5, 42.
Merritt, D. 1985, AJ, 90, 1027.
$NEMODAT/k?isot.dat isotropic King models (1,3,5)
$NEMODAT/k?an??.dat anisotropic King models (1,3,5)
$NEMODAT/plum.dat isotropic Plummer model
Joshua E. Barnes
22-may-88 V1.x created/documented JEB
5-jul-97 V2.0 added epsilon, some code cleanup PJT
Table of Contents