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plummer - tabulate Osipkov-Merritt generalization of Plummer model
plummer out=out_file [parameter=value] ...
plummer tabulates
an Osipkov-Merritt-Plummer model. The output file, written in binary format,
may be used with mkommod(1NEMO)
The following parameters are
- out=out_file
- Write binary OsipkovMerrittModel data to out_file.
Default: required.
- anisorad=anisotropy_radius
- Radius at which the distribution
function becomes significantly anisotropic. If negative, an isotropic model
is tabulated. Default: -1.0.
- mcutoff=frac_mass_cutoff
- The output tables extend
to the radius corresponding to this fraction of the total mass. Default:
- ntab=
- Number of table entries. A compiled maximum (MXTB=10000) is
the maximum allowed value. Default: 512
Here is an example of a
rather large 100,000 Plummer sphere. This will take about 30 minutes of
integration time on a 2020 style CPU. Adjust appropriately:
# generate OM model table and snapshot
plummer anisorad=1
mkommod plummer.snap nbody=100000
# integrate this plummer model (needs about 500 MB disk space)
gyrfalcON plummer.snap plummer.out eps=0.025 tstop=100 step=0.5 kmax=7
# plot lagrangian radii to confirm the model is in equilibrium
snapmradii plummer.out 0.01,0.1:0.9:0.1,0.99 log=t |\
tabplot - 1 2:12 line=1,1 xlab=Radius ylab="log(MassFraction)"
, mkplummer(1NEMO)
Joshua E. Barnes
2-jun-1988 original JEB
5-jun-2023 add example PJT
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