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henyey - search for periodic orbits in a potential (Henyey’s method)


henyey [parameter=value]


henyey computes periodic orbits using the Henyey method of searching for periodic solutions of a system of differential equations in an (optionally rotating) 2D potential. It needs a potential with first and seconds derivatives.

The method has been used first by T.S. v. Albada & R.H. Sanders (1982) MNRAS, 201, 303. For more details see also: Henyey et al.(1964) ApJ 139, 309.

The method originated from the same equations as looking for periodic solutions in what become pulsation stars (RR Lyr, Cepheids). See e.g. van Albada and Baker (1971)

The operation of the program is as follows: The first orbit is launched perpendicular from either the X or Y axis with a reasonable launching velocity. Depending on the orbit type, will be integrated for the 1/4, 1/2 or full period, with given non-zero launching coordinates. Currently implemented are

type=1 x0= y0=0 u0=0 v0= # 1/4 orbit launched from X axis
type=2 x0=0 y0= u0= v0=0 # 1/4 orbit launched from Y axis
type=2 x0=0 y0= u0= v0=0 # 1/2 orbit launched from Y axis

Type 3 orbits are needed to handle the SPO and LPO orbits around the stable lagrangian points perpendicular to a rotating bar. Although type 3 orbits also handle the X1..X4 orbits, integrating for 2x or 4x the period only make the computing time longer and possibly at the cost of some instabilities in the algorithm.

A stability parameter of the orbit is also computed. Periodic orbits in potentials with chaos generally makes their islands in the surface of section shrink, and correspondingly finding the orbits becomes more difficult (i.e. needs good initial conditions). The same holds for the method used in perorb(1NEMO) so you can’t win.


The following parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
Initial launching x coordinate [1]
Initial launching y coordinate [0]
Initial launching u velocity [0]
Initial launching v velocity [1]
Period, corresponding to the orbit type. For a type=1 1/4 orbit the period given should be 1/4 of the full period. [3]

Type of orbit {1,2,3} [1]
Pattern speed of potential [0]
Number of extra orbits to compute. [0]
Step to increase the non-zero (x or y) position for extra orbits. Each new orbits will inherit the initial conditions of the previous periodic orbit. [0.1]


Here is a benchmark orbit computed with three different methods:

# henyey:
./henyey 0.6 0 0 1.9 1.0 1 0.0 0 > bench1.log
tabcomment bench1.log | tabplot - 3 4 -1 1 -1 1 line=1,1 yapp=1/xs

n tau x y u v
1 0.00 0.6000 0.0000 0.0000 1.8900
201 1.00 0.0000 0.5951 -1.1203 -0.0001

# perorb:
perorb phase=0.6,0,0,0,1.9,0 dir=x potname=bar83 potpars=0,1,1,0.2,1 out=o2
0.611285 1.866136 0.599541 -1.128240 146 3 2.882204 -0.860843 0.801766 0.0035907
orbplot o2 xrange=-1:1 yrange=-1:1 yapp=2/xs

# orbint
mkorbit - 0.6 0 0 0 1.9 0 potname=bar83 potpars=0,1,1,0.2,1 | orbint - - 1000 0.01 | orbplot -

where the latter orbit with the orbint(1NEMO) integrator is only approximately periodic.


For a bar-only model this code has been confirmed to produce the same orbits as perorb(1NEMO) .

Unlike other NEMO orbit related programs, the potential has been hard-coded. The corresponding Makefile makes it relatively easy to plug in another potential. Parameters are passed through FORTRAN common blocks, but again, hard-coded and not available via the command line interface yet, with the exception of the pattern speed.

The default parameters for the Makefile is a double precision (P=8) bar6 (B=6).


NEMO/src/orbit/misc/henyey    source code
fort.20 - output of (I,t/T,X,Y) for more detailed plotting

See Also

perorb(1NEMO) , mkorbit(1NEMO) , orbint(1NEMO) , orbplot(1NEMO)
1964ApJ...139..306H - A New Method of Automatic Computation of Stellar Evolution.
1982MNRAS.201..303V -  Periodic orbits and gas flow in barred spirals 


@ads 1982MNRAS.201..303V


Tjeerd van Albada, Peter Teuben (NEMO adaptation)


28-may-1979    original version as SBORB    TVA
1981?         Cyber7600 version - sheltran    PJT
xx-may-92    V0.0 ported to work with NEMO         PJT
xx-mar-03    V0.01 .. working, but not in CVS yet ..    PJT
24-dec-2023    V0.2 cleanup, added to git, confirm with perorb    PJT

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