Computational units are such that the gravitational constant G=1.
A parameter file with the name TREEPAR contains, line by line, the input parameters for this run (the names of the variables in the first column are actually the names of the variables in the program):
headline Identification string for the run (max 50 char) nsteps Number of timesteps noutbod frequency of TREEBO, TREECONT, and TREEISM writes noutlog Output logfile data once every nsteps/noutlog steps (TREELOG) dtime The timestep tol Error tolerance; 0.0=exact seps Potential softening parameter for stellar particles geps Potential softening parameter for cloud particles usequad Option to include quadrupole terms (.TRUE./.FALSE.) minit initial ISM cloud mass r0 initial ISM cloud size tau0 coefficient for cloud lifetime calculation sfrcoeff coefficient for SFR law rcrit radius for determining ambient ISM density ismrate rate at which ISM properties are calculated iseed random number seed
In addition there must be a file TREEBI, containing the input bodies. This is a slightly modified version of the format used in treecode2, where an array of nbody logicals signifies if that particle is gas (T) or stellar (F).
Output files created are the regular output from treecode2 TREEBOA, which contains all the requested snapshots in ascii atos(1NEMO) format, TREELOG, which contains a log of the run and TREEBO, which contains a binary (machine dependable) dump of the last snapshot. In addition, ISM/SPH specific files are TREEISM, TREEILOG and TREECONT. Note that these three output files must not be present when the program is to be run.
To avoid excessive overhead, noutlog should be larger than 1, typically ~ 10, depending on total number of steps though.
TREEBI input bodies TREEPAR input parameters TREEBO output bodies TREELOG output logfile TREEBOA output bodies, last snapshot?? TREEISM output ISM cloud properties TREEILOG output logfile of cloud interactions TREECONT output continuation file (same format as TREEBI) See Alsohackcode1(1NEMO), treecode(1NEMO), newton0(1NEMO), nbody0(1NEMO) History 15-jun-92 Put formal version into usr/cmihos/treesfr PJT