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csf - copy structured file


csf in=in-file out=out-file


csf copies a NEMO structured file. By using the item and select keyword items can be selected by name and/or number. Note that items can currently only be selected from the top level, items within a set can not be selected this way; they are copied as a whole. This is likely to be improved at a later stage. Automatic data-conversion can also be done. By default all items are copied, and no data conversion is applied.

An overview of the top level items that are present in a structured file can be obtained with the following Unix pipe:

% tsf in_file | grep "^[a-z,A-Z]" | grep -v "^tes" | awk ’{print $2}’

Although structured files can always be read when they were created on a byte swapped machine, csf can also be used to create a file in which the bytes are not swapped.

As a convenience option, the keyword blocksize= can be used to forced a fixed blocksize to copy a file "as is", but it will bypass the structured file I/O so should be functionally the same as a unix cp(1) .


The following parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
Input file, must be in filestruct(5NEMO) format [no default].
Output file, will be in filestruct(5NEMO) format [no default].
List of top level items, separated by comma’s or spaces, to be copied. If none are provided, all items are selected. Note that the item-list will be case sensitive. [default: -blank-].
List of numbers (1 being the first) that are select for copying, after the above mentioned item-name selection (from the item= keyword) has been applied. If none are provided, all are copied. [default: -blank-].
List of conversions to make, separated by comma’s or spaces. Each conversion is of the format from2to, where both the from and to part are any of: d (double), f (float), h (half precision) , l (long), i (int) or s (short). [Default: -blank-].
If selected, this is the blocksize, in bytes, by which a file gets copied bypassing NEMO’s structured file I/O. A value of 512 is ok. Default: 0 (not used)
If supplied, add this string of random verbiage to the data stream. [Default: none]


Some of the conversions in convert= are not supported or are in danger of loosing more than just precision.


An image with too much data-history can be cut by only copying the Image items:

% csf in=map1.ccd out=map2.ccd select=Image


Items can only be selected (select=) from the top level.

See Also

cp(1) , tsf(1NEMO) , rsf(1NEMO)


Peter Teuben, Joshua E. Barnes


~/src/kernel/io      csf.c


xx-xxx-87    V1.0: created    JEB
9-dec-89    V1.1 added select keyword    PJT
10-oct-90    V1.3 select= is now item=: select= used for counting    PJT
4-mar-91    V1.4 added data conversion option via convert=        PJT
13-feb-92    documentation added    PJT
26-mar-95    V1.5 fixed selection bug and clarified doc    PJT
12-dec-09    V1.6 added support for half precision (halfp) type    PJT
13-aug-2022    V1.7 add headline=    PJT
19-apr-2023    V1.8 add blocksize=    PJT

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