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rv - binary format for N-body snapshot files
typedef struct rv_snapshot {
int nbody; /* really: ndark, with nsph=nstar=0 */
float *mass; /* mass[nbody] */
float time;
float *phase; /* phase[nbody][2][3]; */
RV is the format used by Ray Carlberg to store N-body particle
data. Be careful when trying to read data, as it may be machine dependant.
In case the data was written in IEEE, but has the wrong endianism, a simple
byte swappign will suffice, for example:
sun% bswap in=mips out=- len=4 | smooth -rv
will properly import little-endian MIPS data onto a big-endian SUN.
, snapshot(5NEMO)
Ray Carlberg, Peter Teuben
3-may-94 man written PJT
Table of Contents