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snapccd - top view integrated velocity moment ccd-like image


snapccd in=snapshot out=image [parameter=value]


snapccd makes a ccd frame from an N-body snapshot, by binning the (projected) x-y coordinates of all stars on a regular rectangular (square) grid and assigning a mean integrated ’surface density’ (integrated along z-axis, i.e. the line of sight, The ccd frame is written to a standard Image(5NEMO) output file, and can be accessed by various other programs for smoothing, display etc.

Stellar astronomers refer to this type of 2-d histogram as a "Hess diagram" when it is used to plot a color-magnitude diagram of stars.

snapccd can also create channel maps, where only signal near a specified velocity is copied. See the vrange and moment keywords below. One can use either an exact velocity window, or a gaussian beam in velocity space.

Note that the radial velocity has the astronomical convention. The observer is located at infinity at the positive Z-axis: a positive z velocity (vz) means stars are approaching, i.e. negative radial velocity.

snaprotate(1NEMO) has to be used first to do any other than a top-view, probably the more general version snapgrid(1NEMO) should be used.

A better alternative is snapgrid(1NEMO) , and for more interpolation (as opposed to gridding) style is snapmap(1NEMO)


input file, must be in SnapShot(5NEMO) format [no default].
output file, will be in Image(5NEMO) format [no default].
The origin (x,y) of the center of the ccd [default: 0,0].
Full size of the CCD frame in ’physical’ units. Note that the picture is forced to be square [default: 4.0].
Cell- or pixel size. Again they will be square. For a 2D matrix this value will be set by the header of that dataset. [default: 0.1].
vrange=vmin:vmax | vmean,vsig
Range in (astronomical) radial velocity (-vz) to be used only while binning the data. One can also give a mean and dispersion in velocity space to weigh the data with. In this case the range in velocity space is somewhat arbitrarely taken from vmean-3*vsig:vmean+3*vsig. This last procedure is somewhat more realistic for astronomical applications, unless the package where the data will be transported to has decent smoothing utilities in velocity space also. The default of this keyword is to take all data along the vz axis. It does not make sense to select data along the z-axis when the moment (see below) is non-zero. [default: -infinity:infinity].
Order of the velocity moment: must be a non-negative number. Most commonly choosen are: 0 (total intensity), 1 (velocity weighted intensity) and 2 (velocity square weighted intensity), where ’intensity’ should really be read as surface density per square unit length. [default: 0].


The following example makes (three) CCD frames from an N-body snapshot, smoothes the three moment maps and combines them into an ’intensity’ (int), ’mean velocity’ (vel) and ’velocity dispersion’ (sig) map.

Note that the moment maps must be smoothed before they can be combined to the proper velocity and dispersion maps.

   % snapccd in=nbody.dat out=map0 moment=0
   % snapccd in=nbody.dat out=map1 moment=1
   % snapccd in=nbody.dat out=map2 moment=2
   % ccdsmooth in=map0 out=map00 gauss=0.1
   % ccdsmooth in=map1 out=map11 gauss=0.1
   % ccdsmooth in=map2 out=map22 gauss=0.1
   % mv map00 int
   % ccdmath in=int,map11     out=vel  fie=%2/%1
   % ccdmath in=int,vel,map22 out=sig  fie="sqrt(%3/%1-%2*%2)"
   % rm map11 map22


Units are maintained in the same way as in snapshots, they don’t have a specific name, but carry their normal meaning ’length’, ’velocity’ and ’mass’. Since snapccd calculates surface densities, its units are formally ’mass’ per square ’length’ times ’velocity’ to the power moment.

When channel maps are produced (moment=0), the data are not normalized w.r.t. the convolving velocity beam. For a rectangular beam (vrange=vmin:vmax) the data should formally be divided by (vmax-vmin), for a gaussian beam (vrange=vmean,vsig) by vsig*sqrt(2*pi). Also remember that a gaussian beam has FWHM = 2.355*sigma.


snapccd(1NEMO) ’s function is rather similar to that of snapplot(1NEMO) , except of plotting the position of the stars, its bins the data. It would be a nice idea to combine both programs.


If smoothing is followed after gridding, the resulting beam is actually slightly larger than the smoothing beam.


The program gracefully allows the user to use nonzero moment and a non-infinite vrange. No warnings here.

See Also

snapgrid(1NEMO) , snapmap(1NEMO) , snaprotate(1NEMO) , snapslit(1NEMO) , snapsmooth(1NEMO) , snapaxsym(1NEMO) , tsf(1NEMO) , ccdgrid(1NEMO) , ccdsky(1NEMO) , ccdstack(1NEMO)


Peter Teuben


src/nbody/image    snapccd.c, snapccd.1


17-Jun-87    V1.0: Created    PJT
25-jun-87    V1.1: grayscale possibility added    PJT
29-jun-87    V2.0: image-format + three programs: ccd, smooth, look    PJT
30-Jun-87    V2.1: improved ’struct’ filestructure    PJT
 1-Jul-87    V2.2: added velocity-moments option     PJT
 8-jul-87    V2.4: proper defn. of cell position    PJT
 9-Mar-88    V3.0: added data history        PJT
 1-jun-88    V4.0: new filestruct, renamed programname    PJT
22-dec-88    V4.1: channel maps can be produces, keyword vrange    PJT
30-jan-89    V4.2: vel is now Zmin, also proper dimensions    PJT

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