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treecode - fortran version of hackcode
treecode in=snap_in out=snap_out
[keyword=value ...]
treecode is the NEMO adaptation of the fortran
version (2.2) of Lars Hernquist’s version of the treecode. The fortran dialect
is assumed to be recursive.
Computational units are such that the graitational
constant G=1.
The following parameters are recognized in any order
when the keyword is also given
- in=in_name
- Input file in snapshot format
[no default]
- out=out_name
- Output file in snapshot format [no default]
- nsteps=int
- Total number of integration steps [100].
- nout=int
- Steps in between major
output [10].
- tol=real
- Tolerance (opening angle) determining accuracy of
force calculation [1.0].
- eps=real
- Softening length [0.05].
- usequad=bool
- Include
quadrupole corrections to force calculation? [default: f].
a Plummer sphere of 128 (?check?) particles with accuracy eta=0.02 for about
a crossing time (T=0 to T=2) takes about XX minutes on a SUN 3/60 with
a simple f68881 floating point chip.
The code has a hardcoded
maximum number of particles in the fortran code (, change the PARAMETER
statement in the beginning to whatever is required. During NEMO install
the makefile macro NMAX can be used to do this automatically and hence
easily generate a new version with a different value for NMAX, e.g. make
nmax NMAX=10000;make treecode.
Lars Hernquist, Peter Teuben (responsible)
, quadcode(1NEMO)
, newton0(1NEMO)
xx-xxx-xx V2 added quadrupole correction Lars
xx-xxx-xx V2.1 optimized routines for 2D and 3D Lars
1-sep-86 V2.2 large tol allowed (avoid self-gravity) Lars
xx-oct-86 V2.2a SUN version - some ’bug’ removed PJT
20-jul-86 V2.2b NEMO SUN version - still bugs PJT
Table of Contents