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mkplummer - construct a Plummer model
mkplummer [parameters=values...]
mkplummer constructs an N-body realization of a Plummer model,
with a spatial or mass based cut-off, after which it (optionally) performs
a coordinate transformation to the center-of-mass coordinate system. The data
are then written into a file snap-file, in a standard N-body snapshot(5NEMO)
format. The model is constructed in VIRIAL or NBODY units (M=G=-4E=1, with
E the total energy), and finite spatial extent which can be regulated by
specifying mfrac or rfrac or using their default values. The distribution
function of a Plummer model is spherically symmetric and isotropic, and
is a polytrope of index n = 5. See also Aarseth et al. (1974) and Plummer
There is also an implementation in Dehnen’s falcON suite: mkplum(1falcON)
For more advanced Plummer models, see mcluster(1NEMO)
The following
parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the
keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
- out=snapfile
- Output data is written into snapfile, in standard snapshot(5NEMO)
No default
- nbody=integer
- Number of particles in the model.
No default.
- mlow=real
- inner core mass fraction within which no stars will
be populated.
[Default: 0]
- mfrac=real
- mass fraction of the (otherwise infinitely extended)
Plummer model; see rfrac immediately below Note that the total mass is
still normalized to 1.
[Default: rfrac=22.8042468]
- rfrac=real
- radius fraction of the (otherwise
infinitely extended) Plummer model. If mfrac = 1.0 then particles will be
sprinkled in all over space. If mfrac < 1.0 or rfrac > 0.0 then each particle
is constrained to lie within both the radial and (cumulative) mass bound.
For example, if rfrac( mfrac ) > rfrac then rfrac is the limiting factor,
but if rfrac( mfrac ) < rfrac then mfrac limits the extent of the Plummer
realization. Note: specifying either value may have no effect if the default
value of the other parameter is still the limiting factor; Beware! (Default:
mfrac=0.999; rfrac=22.8042468 , chosen so that the cumulative mass at rfrac
is mfrac).
Default: ....
- seed=integer
- seed for the random number generator. A value of
0 (the default) will be converted into a unique new value using UNIX’s clock
time, in seconds since 1970.0). See also xrandom(1NEMO)
for more options.
[Default: 0]
- time=time
- Time at which the snapshot applies
[Default: 0.0]
- zerocm=t|f
- Reset center of mass to zero?
[Default: t].
- scale=scale_factor
- A scale factor or scale to virial units
(M=G=-4E=1). Use -1 for virial units (see also UNITS below), and 1 to get
a model in structural (natural) units. Note: large scale factors means small
systems with large velocity disperson.
[Default: -1].
- quiet=level
- Level of quit start. 0 is noisy, 1=somewhat quiet,
2=more quiet. See "QUIET START" below
[Default: 0].
- massname=name
- Identification of the mass spectrum. It is normally
only a function of mass, so n(m) will suffice. If nothing specified, all
stars will have the same mass (total mass M=1).
[Default: not used].
- massexpr=expr
- Expression for the mass-spectrum. In addition
to the mass m from the massname it may contain any variables contained
in the masspars to be specified next.
[Default: pow(m,p)].
- masspars=pars
- List of parameters and their values. They
can be used by name in the massexpr specified before.
[Default: p,0.0].
- massrange=mlow,mhigh
- Valid massrange. A lower and higher
cutoff must be supplied. The massrange has arbitrary units, since all masses
will be rescaled to set the total mass M=1.
[Default: 1,1].
- headline=string
- Optional headline, which is written as the
first item in the snapshot file, the next item being the snapshot itself.
[Default: not used].
- nmodel=integer
- Number of models to generate. Although
mostly meant for benchmarks, generating more then 1 model can be useful
to process very large snapshots (that normally won’t fit in memory) in a
serialized fashion. See also snapsplit. Most NEMO programs will only read
the first snapshot.
[Default: 1]
- mode=0|1|2
- The processing mode, purely for debugging benchmarks.
0=no data written. 1=data written, but no extra analysis. 2=data written,
and extra analysis done.
[Default: 1]
The scale length of a Plummer sphere in virial units
is 3.pi/16 ~ 0.589. As an example the following two commands should plot
the same "rotation" curve:
mkplummer - 10000 | radprof - tab=t | tabplot
- 1 3 0 2 0 1 yapp=1/xs
rotcurves plummer ’0,1,3*pi/16’ xrange=0,2 yrange=0,1 yapp=2/xs
For small N-body systems it can easily happen that small
random fluctuations cause a unacceptabel large deviation from an ideal
Plummer sphere. One way to achieve more "quiet" initial conditions is by
positioning the particles more "uniformly" in their 1/N mass shells, instead
of uniformly filling the space between 0 and 1. This is controlled by the
quiet=1 setting. An even more quiet start can be achieved by placing the
particles on exactly the radius compatible with its mass fraction, this
is achieved with the the quiet=2 setting.
In this example you can clearly
see the difference between the radii selected:
mkplummer - 10 quiet=0
zerocm=f | snapsort - - r | snapprint - r | tabplot - 0 1 line=1,1 point=2,0.1
mkplummer - 10 quiet=1 zerocm=f | snapsort - - r | snapprint - r | tabplot -
0 1 line=1,1 point=2,0.1
mkplummer - 10 quiet=2 zerocm=f | snapsort - - r | snapprint - r | tabplot -
0 1 line=1,1 point=2,0.1
Important to note that with zerocm=f the center of mass will drift,
while the "mathematical center" was placed at the origin. This will counter
the quietness, if you will.
A non-delta function mass-spectrum will
not create a properly virialized system yet. See snapvirial(1NEMO)
For very
large (>1000) ratio in the mass ranges the spline interpolation, used in
, can fail using a valid [0,1] range.
mkplummer can
also be used to create a plummer sphere with a mass spectrum, e.g. a Salpeter
mass spectrum with
mkplummer salpeter.dat 10000 massname=’n(m)’ massexpr=’pow(m,p)’
masspars=p,-2.35 massrange=0.1,10
Another method to create a Plummer sphere is by using the Osipkov-Merritt
tables in NEMO, e.g.
plummer plum.dat ntab=1024
mkommod plum.dat plum.snap nbody=10000
or in ZENO their new General Spherical Profile:
plumsnap plum1.snap
plumgsp plum.gsp
gsprealize plum.gsp plum.snap zerocm=true
snapcopy plum.snap plum2.snap
with a note that ZENO files may need an extra snapcopy(1NEMO)
to be
compatible with NEMO snapshot(5NEMO)
The default benchmark
(see Benchfile) creates a 10,000,000 snapshot in double precision, with
and without writing to a local file:
cd $NEMO/nemo/src/nbody/init/
make -f Benchfile bench0 bench1
/usr/bin/time mkplummer . 10000000
/usr/bin/time mkplummer bench1.snap 10000000
with some sample CPU for bench0: xps13 3.1s or 171 MB/s
t480 4.9s or 72 MB/s
the time difference betweeen bench0 and bench1 can be interpreted as
the time needed to write 535MB (for 10M particles)
, snapvirial(1NEMO)
, mkplummer(3NEMO)
, snapmass(1NEMO)
, mkplum(1NEMO)
, mcluster(1NEMO)
, xrandom(3NEMO)
(1911), MNRAS, 71, 460.
S.J. Aarseth, M. Henon and R. Wielen (1974), Astron.
and Astrophys. 37, p. 183.
A.H.W. Kuepper, Th. Maschberger, P. Kroupa and H. Baumgardt,
2011, MNRAS, 417, 2300 (McLuster)
Arnold et al. (2022) -
@ads 1974A&A....37..183A
Piet Hut (Peter Teuben)
~/src/nbody/init mkplummer.c
23-Apr-87 Version 1.0: created PIET
10-Jun-88 Version 1.1: created PIET
xx-xxx-88 V1.2: zerocm keyword added PJT
xx-Mar-89 V2.0: full new snapshot version+doc PJT
15-nov-90 V2.3: mass-spectrum and cleanup for NEMO 2.x PJT
6-jun-96 V2.5d: report total mass before scaling PJT
21-mar-04 V2.7: added mlow= PJT+NCM
11-apr-05 V2.8: added nmodel= PJT
15-sep-10 V2.9: clarified rfrac and allow rfrac<0 PJT
2-dec-2017 documented mcluster PJT
29-mar-2021 benchmark PJT
25-sep-2023 describe quiet starts PJT
1-apr-2024 experimenting with how to place defaults PJT
Table of Contents