
NEMO BIBCODE Manual Reference

These are the BIBCODE references within NEMO that refer to papers, so we can establish a link between code and paper. For most codes we do this via their unix man page (.1, and even .5). In these man pages there should be a reference in the FILES section where the code is located in NEMO. For some codes that do not have a manual page, the source code file will be mentioned.

Created on: Mon Jul 8 11:56:39 EDT 2024 by teuben@DL5420(none)

CGS.1 2005A&A...433...57T
epic5.1 2012MNRAS.421.1089P
firstn.1 1960ZA.....50..184V
firstn.1 1963ZA.....57...47V
galaxy.1 2014arXiv1406.6606S
gravidy.1 2018MNRAS.473.3113M
gyrfalcON.1 2002JCoPh.179...27D
hackcode1.1 1986Natur.324..446B
hackdens.1 1985ApJ...298...80C
henyey.1 1982MNRAS.201..303V
mkgalaxy.1 2007MNRAS.378..541M
mkh41.1 1941ApJ....94..385H
mkhernquist.1 1990ApJ...356..359H
mkkd95.1 1995MNRAS.277.1341K
mkop73.1 1973ApJ...186..467O
mkplummer.1 1974A&A....37..183A
mktt72.1 1972ApJ...178..623T
perorb.1 1985MNRAS.212..257T
quadcode.1 1983ApJ...274...53W
runbulgerot.1 2008MNRAS.385.1359N
scfm.1 1992ApJ...386..375H
snapcenterp.1 2002RMxAA..38..225C
GalPot.5 1998MNRAS.294..429D
rebound.8 2012A&A...537A.128R
zeno.8 2012MNRAS.423.3134F