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CGS, runCGS - Collisionless Galactic Simulator N-body code



runCGS [parameter=value]


CGS (Collisionless Galactic Simulator) is a spherical harmonics Particle-Mesh code originally presented by van Albada (1982), and recently partially rewritten and improved by Michele Trenti. The radial grid is adaptive, and keeps constant mass shells. The angular dependance of the force is expressed in terms of Legendre polynomials. The code is highly suitable to evolve quasi-spherical smooth initial condition.

The code computes the potential on an (adaptive) grid, by expanding the density in spherical harmonics. Forces are then computed by numerical differentiation, and particles are advanced by a global but variable time-step using a leap-frog scheme.

The code consists of an original (fortran based) executable, CGS, plus a NEMO style wrapper, named runCGS. Since the fortran executable assumes files with a fixed name, it can be somewhat cumbersome to run multiple sets of simulations with different input parameters. A simple frontend organizes a directories structure and places their output in these run directories, as well as optionally handles I/O to/from NEMO snapshot(5NEMO) files.

A detailed code description can be found in Trenti M. (2005), PhD Thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (Italy) [mainly Chapter 3]. A copy of the thesis is in $NEMO/usr/trenti/CGS/doc/.


There are the NEMO command line parameters for runCGS:
Output directory. Must not exist yet. In this directory a number of files will be produced by the code. See below. No Default.
Number of bodies. Only needed if a model from scratch when for flag=1 (see below). This parameter is limited by the compiled NPMAX parameter in the fortran code (see below). [Default: 40000]
Number of radial zones. This number is limited by the compiled NRGMAX parameter (see below). ??? what about angular, not as parameter ??? [Default: 80]
Maximum number of integration steps. [Default: 1000]
Initial integration step. [Default: 0.025]
Start time of integration. [Default: 0.0]
Stop time of integration. [Default: 4.0]
Minimum allowed integration step. [Default: 0.001]
Maximum allowed integration step. [Default: 0.01]
Input Creation flag. 1=Plummer sphere from scratch (needs nbody=). 2=clumpy homogeneous from scratch (needs virial=) 3=initial conditions from a POS and VEL file. [Default: 1]
Total mass of the system. [Default: 1.0]
Initial virial ratio for flag=2. [Default: 1.0]
Number of timesteps between CMSS (center of mass of bound particles adjustment) call. For simulations where the coordinates of the center of mass of bound particles are not expected to change (e.g. for simulations starting from quasi-equilibrium configurations) consider setting ndtcmss >= maxstep. In this case a frequent recentering of the center of expansion of the potential might in fact introduce artificial stochastic heating. If starting from out of equilibrium conditions, e.g. for simulating a cold collapse, then it is recommended to set ndtcmss to a number sufficiently small that several recenterings are performed in a dynamical time. [Default: 2000]
Number of timesteps between diagnostics call. Note that each diagnostics call has some overhead associated with it. [Default: 50]
Number of time steps between writing snapshots. Note that each call has some overhead associated with it if the potential is selected for output [Default: 10]
Input data is read from file, which must be a structured binary file. If left blank, it is assumed that the (plummer) flag parameter is set to 1 or 2. Note that masses are ignored. Files must be given in an absolute directory notation, no relative patchs.
Name of the (fortran) executable. Needs to be in your search $PATH, or else the full absolute path needs to be supplied here. [Default: CGS.exe]
Should the snapshot data be converted to NEMO format? If so, the ASCII snapshot is removed. NOTE: Using this option requires extra diskspace. Default: [t]


$NEMO/usr/trenti/CGS/doc/PhDthesis.pdf file - documentation
$NEMO/usr/trenti/CGS/doc/2005AAP...433...57T.pdf - paper
PARAMETER.DAT    basic input parameters (see below for details)
initPOS.dat    input positions if flag=3
initVEL.dat    input velocities if flag=3
init_virial.dat    input virial ratio if flag=2
fort.2        various diagnostics output (heritage from the original van Albada
1982 version)
fort.11        inner lagrangian radii vs time
fort.12        outer lagrangian radii vs time
fort.13        radial and tangential velocity dispersions
fort.14        total radial and tangential kinetic energy
fort.16        inertia tensor eigenvalues vs. time
fort.17        ellipticity ratios b/a and c/a vs. time
fort.18     density computed over the radial grid vs. time
fort.19     time, angular momentum components, and mean shape parameter or orbits
fort.20     time, total energy, virial ratio -2K/W, total angular momentum
fort.28        same as fort.18, but for bound particles
fort.33        same as fort.13, but for bound particles
fort.34        same as fort.14, but for bound particles
fort.90        one or more snapshots (one line header plus index,pc/os,vel data
in a table)
snap.out    Output snapshots, in NEMO’s snapshot(5NEMO) format. Note no masses

Sample PARAMETER.DAT initialization file (the default benchmark):

 80                !RADIAL GRID NUMBER
 40000                !NUMBER OF PARTICLES
 1000                !NUMBER OF STEPS (MAX)
 2000                !NUMBER OF TIME STEPS FOR CMSS CALL
 0.0025                !TIME STEP OF INTEGRATION
 0.                !START TIME OF SIMULATION
 4.                !END TIME OF SIMULATION
 1.                !TOTAL MASS OF SYSTEM
 1                !PLUMMER INIT CONDITION FLAG (1=true)
 0.01                !MAX ALLOWED DT --> MDT
 0.001                !MIN ALLOWED DT


The following example uses runCGS to run the standard benchmark:
   % runCGS out=bench1 


Note that various parameters (maximum grid size, maximum number of particles) are hardcoded during compilation, though easily changed in the right file:
common.blk:    parameter(NPMAX=2000000)    Max number of particles
common.blk:    parameter(NRGMAX=501)        Max number of radial grids
common.blk:    parameter(NHAR=4)            Number of harmonics used [NHAR <= LMAX-1]
common.blk:    parameter(LMAX=7)            Legendre Polynomials (do not modify)
common.blk:    parameter(NCE=28)            Max number of Spherical Harmonics Coefficients
(do not modify)


The standard benchmark is 40000 particles and runs for 832 steps. The user CPU is listed (in sec) in the 2nd column.
P4/1.6    325.9 (g77 3.2.3)
P4/1.6    292.7 (gfortran 4.0.1)
P4/1.6    195.9 (intel 8.1)
G5/1.6    218.5 (g77 3.5.0)
AMD64/    130.3 (g77 3.4.2)
Xeon-X5660@2.80GHz    79.4 (gfortran_4.4.7 -O3) - gaia
i7-8550U @ 1.80GHz    43.4 (gfortran_7.3.0 -O3) - T480
i7-3820  @ 3.60GHz    52.5 (gfortran_4.4.7 -O3) - dante
i7-3820  @ 3.60GHz    31.7 (ifort_12.1.0 -O3) - dante
i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz    26.0 (gfortran 9.2.0 -O3) - XPS13
i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz    13.4 (flang 7.0.1 -O3) - XPS13

You can run the command either as:

   % make bench2
   which is
   % /usr/bin/time runCGS out=bench1 nemo=f
   % /usr/bin/time CGS
Adding nemo=t (the default) would add about 15%.

Data Conversion

If output snapshot(5NEMO) are requested, CGS will create a file fort.90, which can be converted to NEMO’s snapshot(5NEMO) , viz.
   tabtos $old/fort.90 snap90 nbody,time skip,pos,vel,acc,phi


Although all particles are equally massive (by the nature of the code), the total mass of the system can be choosen as an input parameter. The gravitation constant is 4.4971, which is appropriate for a galactic scale system where the units (see also units(5NEMO) ) are 10^11 solar mass, 10 kpc and 10^8 years. This gives a unit of velocity of about 97.8 km/s.

See Also

scfm(1NEMO) , quadcode(1NEMO) , snapshot(5NEMO) , units(1NEMO) , units(5NEMO)

Trenti, M. (2005), PhD Thesis, Pisa (see Chapter 3 for many details on the
Trenti, M. Bertin, G. and van Albada, T.S. (2005) A&A 433, 57
van Albada, T.S. (1982), MNRAS, 201, 939. Dissipationless galaxy formation
and the R to the 1/4-power law 
van Albada, T.S. & van Gorkum, J.H. (1977) A&A,54,121. Experimental Stellar Dynamics
for Systems with Axial Symmetry
The first two listed papers by Trenti can be found with the code distribution, see also FILES.


@ads 2005A&A...433...57T


Michele Trenti & Tjeerd van Albada (NEMO adaptation: Peter Teuben)


Any scientific publication or presentation which has benefited from using CGS should quote the paper
   Trenti, M. Bertin, G. and van Albada, T.S. (2005) A&A 433, 57


2003    original version    M. Trenti & T.S. van Albada
3-nov-2005    V0.1 alpha release testing    PJT
12-dec-2005    V0.2 writing simple pos/vel snapshots using freqout=    MT/PJT
22-mar-2006    V0.5 writing potential and forces to output    MT
22-may-2006    V1.0 released within NEMO    MT/PJT

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