Most notably, all aspects of the NEMO user interface have been avoided, so users can use their own main(). However, NEMO’s output routines like dprintf(), error() and warning() are still called, and can in principle be overridden by the users own names.
It is possible that the ZENO library is more cleanly defined in terms of usage by clients that don’t want to use the whole NEMO or ZENO libarry.
Jean Charles Lambert also has a more recent (and working) nemolight library that he carries along with his I/O package. If yuo need a small portable version of NEMO, this might be useful.
$NEMO/src/uNEMO directory in which uNEMO can be built $NEMO/usr/jcl/unsio/3rdparty/nemolight UNSIO light version of NEMO
21-may-01 V1.0: created to play with Dehnen’s new YANC PJT 17-apr-21 not on JCL’s version PJT