Say something about ZENO, StarLab, ASC and AMUSE, as they are geneologically related to NEMO.
To some extent, Starlab is modeled on NEMO, a stellar dynamics software environment developed during the 1980s at the Institute for Advanced Study, in large part by Josh Barnes, with input from Peter Teuben and Piet Hut. Starlab differs from NEMO mainly in its use of UNIX pipes, rather than temporary files, its use of tree structures rather than arrays to represent N-body systems, and its guarantee of data conservation in piping. The first Starlab version was written by Piet Hut at Tokyo University in 1989, in the C language. in 1992, Piet Hut, Jun Makino and Steve McMillan adapted the package to C++, and developed its the central engine, Kira, for integrating stellar orbits with individual time steps. Subsequently, Simon Portegies Zwart contributed his SeBa package for stellar evolution, which is directly linked with Kira.
ZENO: starlab: ASC: AMUSE:
If you want to read up on N-body calculations, here are some selected reviews:
Hockney & Eastwood Computer Simulation Using Particles, Adam Hilger, New York (1989). Sellwood The art of N-body building. Sellwood Galaxy Dynamics by N-Body Simulation von Hoerner How it All Started Dubinki Visualizing astrophysical N-body systems Dehnen & Read N-body simulations of gravitational dynamics
and comparing N-body models between different codes is discussed in a few papers. some of the data are also discussed in data(5NEMO)
Pythagoras Three Body Problem - IAU 25-body problem - Lecar 1968 Santa Barbare Cluster Problem Hozumi & Hernquist -
17-apr-2021 initial notes PJT