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Table of Contents
snapgadget - convert snapshot to GADGET format
snapgadget converts data from standard snapshot(5NEMO)
format into gadget(lNEMO)
Although gadget(lNEMO)
has several flavors of
particles (halo, disk, bulge, stars, gas), this version can only handle
a limited set due to current limitations in the way snapshot’s are handled.
Some programs (e.g. AHF) that need proper cosmological information in a gadget
header, will need these explicitly passed via a set of parameters (see
The following parameters are recognized in order; they
may be given in any order if the keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm
this man page is up to date.
- in=
- Input file (snapshot format). No default.
- out=
- Output file (gadget format). Each snapshot is placed in its own file,
and "%t" is replaced with the time of the snapshot (useful for times=all).
No default.
- N=Nhalo,Ndisk,Nbulge,Nstars
- Nhalo,Ndisk,Nbulge,Nstars needs
to be specified for the sub-components as GADGET wants them. Note the current
version does not handle gas particles. No default.
- M=Mhalo,Mdisk,Mbulge,Mstars
- The masses (per particle) of each of the components listed in the N= keyword.
You only need this if no masses are present. Note in this mode it is not
possible to have different masses per component. Default: not used.
- times=
- Times of the snapshots to select for output. Default: all
- swap=
- Force swaping
bytes for other-endian machines [f] z= Current Redshift [0]
- z=
- Current
redshift [0]
- box=
- Box size (Mpc/h) [128]
- omega0=
- Omega_0 [0.3]
- lambda0=
- OmegaLambda0 [0.7]
- h=
- HubbleParam [0.75]
There is an option
to run gadget in double precision mode, their output files may not be
compatible with this version of the program.
Such "unformatted binary" files
are limited to 4GB per block.
, nemo2gadget(1NEMO)
, uns2uns(1NEMO)
, g2info(1NEMO)
, snapshot(5NEMO)
, gadget(5NEMO)
Jeremy Bailin
8-sep-03 V0.1 Created J.Bailin
8-sep-03 V0.2 minor mods on order of arguments, fix missing %t case PJT
21-jun-11 V1.0 add some reasonable cosmo defaults, in case they’re needed PJT
22-jun-11 V1.1 add M= PJT
19-jan-22 updated man page format; added links PJT
Table of Contents