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gadget2nemo - Convert GADGET snapshot to NEMO snapshot
Convert GADGET snapshot to NEMO snapshot. Input
snapshot can be in gadget 1 or 2 version and in little or big endian format.
The version and the endianess is automatically detected, you have nothing
to specify. You can select data by their name (eg disk, gas, halo etc....) and
save them in the order requested.
This program is currently to be preferred
over gadgetsnap(1NEMO)
, but has been deprecated by the more powerful uns2uns(1NEMO)
The following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword
is also given:
- in=
- GADGET input filename. Version 1 or 2, little/big endian
- out=
- NEMO output filename [Default:required]
- comp=
- components requested to be saved. m->mass, x->positions, v->velocities [mxv]
- select=
- select the data you want to load . The following data can be requested:
disk, gas, halo, bulge, stars, bndry, all. You can request several data
separated with a "," like this: select=disk,gas. The order of your selection
will be respected in the output file [disk]
- verb=
- verbose mode, display
gadget ranges particles if activated [f]
- 15-Oct-2008 - JCL [3.1]
To visualize the component of the gas particles using glnemo:
gadget2nemo mygadget - select=gas| glnemo -
To compute the mass density of the disk particles using Dehnen’s
density program:
gedget2nemo mygadget - select=disk| density - mygadget.nemo.dens K=40
, gadgetsnap(1NEMO)
, uns2uns(1NEMO)
Jean-Charles Lambert
08-Nov-06 V0.0 Created by mkman NEMO
15-Oct-08 V3.1 gadget version 2 supported JCL
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