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s2s - copies selected snapshots from a nemo snapshot file
requires NEMO version 3.0.13 or higher, see
s2s reads from a nemo snapshot file
and copies specified data from selected snapshots to another nemo snapshot
file. This is very similar to snapcopy(1NEMO)
, except that it allows to
copy all data supported by falcON (including SPH data). A bodyfunc (5falcON)
filter may be applied to reduce the number of bodies copied.
- in=file
- Input file name (nemo snapshot file). Default: required.
- out=fbase
- Output file name (nemo snapshot file). Default: required.
- times=time range(s)
- Specifies the times for the snapshots to be converted. In addition to the
usual NEMO convention of allowing "all", the values "first" and "last"
are also possible. Default: all
- filter=bodyfunc expression
- A valied bodyfunc
(5falcON) expression which evaluates to a boolean. If given, a filter constructed
from this expression will be applied before writing data to output. No default.
- params=parameters
- Comma separated list of parameters required (if any)
by the filter. No default.
- zeromissing=t|f
- Boolean specifying whether body
data required by the filter, but not present in the input snapshot, shall
be set to zero (alternatively the code terminates). Default: f
- time=value
- If given, the time of the output snapshot is set to value. Note that the
new time is set after the filter (if any) has been applied. No default
- copy=IOstring
- Specifies which data shall be copied. Default: all.
, a2s(1falcON)
falcON/doc/user_guide.pdf User Guide for falcON.
Walter Dehnen
28-Feb-2007 first version of manual WD
31-Oct-2007 updated (filter, times=first,last) WD
Table of Contents