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grape4 - sample operations on GRAPE4
Currently only a reminder
to some operational details for the GRAPE4 in Drexel.
Demo versions
harp3 and harp3X expect input files in ascii "205" (see stoa(1NEMO)
) format
or create initial data on the fly. The output (also optional) format however
is in binary "205" format (see also atos(1NEMO)
, with the binary=true option),
and this needs to be converted on the host to tag the proper endianism
in snapshot(5NEMO)
The direct4(1NEMO)
demo program is a condensed
version of the harp3 demo, but expects standard NEMO datafiles.
is a parameter input file for harp3, to be run as follows:
% harp3 < run1.par
% atos run1.out - binary=t options=mass,phase,phi |\
snapxyz - - | xyzview - scale=4 maxframe=200
where run1.par looks as follows: (did somebody mix up dtout and dtsnapout?)
16384 0.03125 25 1 0.03125 0.25 8
1 0.2
2 <-- never used?
The following NEMO chain of commands should be the same as the harp3
demo just shown:
mkhomsph - 16384 rmax=1 vmax=0.2 |\
snapspin - - omega=-0.8 |\
direct4 - . dt=0.03125 tstop=25 dtlog=0.03125 dtout=1 eps=0.25
, atos(1NEMO)
, stoa(1NEMO)
, snapshot(5NEMO)
The following environment variables are expected by the
GRAPE4 board:
HARP3_NBOARDS number of board you have [Drexel: 1]
HARP3_NCLUSTERS number of clusters [Drexel: 1]
HARP3_FIRSTCLUSTER first cluster [Drexel: 0]
HARP3_DEFECTS file with list of defects [Drexel: ~makino/src/harplibs/defect_list]
21-may-97 Created PJT
Table of Contents