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falcon - Convert falcON HDF5 snapshots to NEMO snapshots


falcon in=infile out=outfile [parameter=value]


This program convert the HDF5 based falcON(1NEMO) snapshot format into the NEMO snapshot(5NEMO) format. It is still under development, see CAVEATS below.


The following parameters are recognized in order; they may be given in any order if the keyword is also given. Use --help to confirm this man page is up to date.
Input falcON(5NEMO) snapshot filename. stdin is supported by giving the value in=-. No default.
Output snapshot(5NEMO) filename. No default.
Particle type to select for conversion. Only "std" has been tested. [Default: std]


$ falcon sim32.h5  - | tsf -
char History[30] "falcon sim32.h5 - VERSION=0.3"
set SnapShot
  set Parameters
    int Nobj 32 
    double Time 0.00000 
  set Particles
    int CoordSystem 66306 
    float Mass[32] 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 
      0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 0.0312500 
      . . .
    float Position[32][3] -1.30477 1.59788e-16 0.00000 -1.29043e-16 
      -0.702476 -0.405575 1.15331e-16 1.88349 1.08744 0.486825 
      . . .
    float Velocity[32][3] -7.22837e-33 -5.90241e-17 0.481969 0.403077 
      0.201539 0.116358 0.456809 0.228404 0.131869 0.155023 0.475764 
      . . .
    float Potential[32] -0.582861 -0.726016 -0.389024 -0.611265 
      -0.276467 -0.705942 -0.491554 -0.691435 -0.332174 -0.788165 
      . . .
    float Acceleration[32][3] 0.320830 -0.0112188 -0.0184059 
      -0.0932003 0.296048 0.227969 0.00853122 -0.126000 -0.0768895 
      . . .


It currently only handles the "std" particles, and only converts mass, pos, vel, pot, acc.

falcON support many IO fields, see file $FALCON/inc/fields.h. Currently 52 fields are supported and all except flag, aold, dlKo, talf are supported for I/O. Their I/O is done by giving the dataset the name associated with the field (3 or 4 letters wide, same as the field name in fieldbit).

All snapshots are converted, use csf(1NEMO) or snaptrim(1NEMO) to extract less.

A maximum number of particles (100,000) was hardcoded. It should be noted that H5T_STD_U32LE is stored for the number of particles, limiting the HDF data to 4,294,967,296 particles.

All real (float or double) values are converted to H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT

Does not convert the data history yet

There is no conversion tool from NEMO snapshot to falcon format.

See Also

snapprint(1NEMO) , tsf(1NEMO) , falcON(5NEMO) , snapshot(5NEMO)




Peter Teuben


20-apr-2024    V0.1 Created        PJT

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