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waisserver - serves WAIS requests


waisserver [ -p [ port_number ] ] [ -s ] [ -d directory ] [ -e [ pathname ] ] [ -l log_level ] [-u user ] [ -v ]
[ same arguments ]


Part of the Wide Area Information Server system.

waisserver will take WAIS requests from a TCP port or standard-io and return the appropriate response. If the name of the command is waisserver.d, then it is assumed it is running from inetd, and it uses stdio for its I/O sockets. See the examples below for inetd.conf.

In addition, waisserver can act like an anonymous FTP server. When the server is given a document of type "FTP" as a relevant document, it will build a result list from the directory of the file. Subdirectories may be listed using by adding them to the relevant document list.

Note that a minimal level of security is present in two forms:

1. The server will never present directories above the default server directory (-d option, described below).

2. The server will only build a directory listing from a file of type FTP, and that file must be in the specified database.


-p [ port ]
Listen to the port. If the port is supplied, then that port number is used. If it is not supplied then the Z39.50 port (210) is used.
listen to standard I/O for queries.
-d directory
Use this directory as the default location of the indexes. Therefore if the directory were /usr/local, then the database foo would be found in /usr/local/foo (see waisindex for how to create an index)
-e [ filename ]
Redirect error output to pathname, if supplied, or to /dev/null. Error output defaults to stderr, unless -s is selected, in which case it defaults to /dev/null.
-l log_level
set logging level. Currently only levels 0, 1, 5 and 10 are meaningful: Level 0 means log nothing (silent). Level 1 logs only errors and warnings (messages of HIGH priority), level 5 logs messages of MEDIUM priority (like client init info). Level 10 logs everything.
-u user
Set the server’s user id to the user specified after attaching the tcp-port. This is only used if the server is started as root.
Print the current version and date of the server.


The following are examples of waisserver usage:
waisserver -p 8000 -d wais-sources -e server.log
Runs waisserver as a standalone server, using tcp port 8000 on directory wais-sources writing messages to server.log

Some example inetd.conf entries (note, these must be on one line in inted.conf):

hpux 7.0/800, Interactive/386 2.2.1:

z3950 stream tcp nowait root /etc/waisserver waisserver.d
-d /wais-sources -e /server.log

Ultrix 4.1:

z3950 stream tcp nowait /etc/waisserver waisserver.d
-d /wais-sources -e /server.log

Also, add the next line to /etc/services, and tickle your YP server:

z3950 210/tcp # wide area information server (wais)

See Also

waissearch(1) , waisindex(1) , waissearch-gmacs(1) , xwais(1) , xwaisq(1) , inetd(8C) , inetd.conf(5)

Wide Area Information Servers Concepts by Brewster Kahle.


The diagnostics produced by the waisserver are meant to be self-explanatory.


Malformed protocol packets can cause the server to dump core (segmentation violation). These are logged in the server’s log file.

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