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vectmath.h - vector and matrix math package


#include <vectmath.h>
CLRV(v)                 v  = 0

UNITV(v,j)              v  = delta
                         i        ij

SETV(v,u)               v  = u
                         i    i

ADDV(v,u,w)             v  = u  + w
                         i    i    i

SUBV(v,u,w)             v  = u  - w
                         i    i    i

MULVS(v,u,s)            v  = u  s
                         i    i

DIVVS(v,u,s)            v  = u  / s
                         i    i

DOTVP(s,v,u)            s = v  u
                             i  i

dotvp(v,u)              v  u
                         i  i

ABSV(s,v)               s = sqrt(v  v )
                                  i  i

absv(v)                 sqrt(v  v )
                              i  i

DISTV(s,v,u)            s = sqrt((v  - u ) (v  - u ))
                                   i    i    i    i

distv(v,u)              sqrt((v  - u ) (v  - u ))
                               i    i    i    i

CROSSVP(s,v,u)          s = eps  v  u                   [only in 2-D]
                               ij i  j

CROSSVP(v,u,w)          v  = eps   u  w                 [only in 3-D]
                         i      ijk j  k

CLRM(p)                 p   = 0

SETMI(p)                p   = delta
                         ij        ij

SETM(p,q)               p   = q
                         ij    ij

TRANM(p,q)              p   = q
                         ij    ji

ADDM(p,q,r)             p   = q   + r
                         ij    ij    ij

SUBM(p,q,r)             p   = q   - r
                         ij    ij    ij

MULM(p,q,r)             p   = q   r
                         ij    ik  kj

MULMS(p,q,s)            p   = q   s
                         ij    ij

DIVMS(p,q,s)            p   = q   / s
                         ij    ij

MULMV(v,p,u)            v  = p   u
                         i    ij  j

OUTVP(p,v,u)            p   = v  u
                         ij    i  j

TRACEM(s,p)             s = Tr(p)

tracem(p)               Tr(p)

SETVS(v,s)              v  = s

ADDVS(v,u,s)            v  = u  + s
                         i    i

SETMS(p,s)              p   = s

MULVV(w,v,u)            w  = v  * u
                         i    i    i

SADDV(v,u)              v  = v  + u
                         i    i    i

SSUBV(v,u)              v  = v  - u
                         i    i    i

SMULVS(v,s)             v  = v * s
                         i    i    

SDIVVS(v,s)             v  = v / s
                         i    i   

SMULVV(v,u)             v  = v  * u
                         i    i    i

real s;
vector v, u, w;
matrix p, q, r;


vectmath.h provides various arithmetic operations on vectors and matricies, represented as arrays of numbers. These operations allow programmers to concentrate on the mathematical content of an algorithm while abstracting away the details of how vectors and matricies are represented and accessed.

To specify how many dimensions vectors have, define ONE of the following symbols to the C preprocessor:

        TWODIM                    - for 2-D vectors
        THREEDIM                  - for 3-D vectors
        NDIM                      - for N-D vectors
The symbols TWODIM and THREEDIM are flags, and may be defined with any value whatsoever. NDIM is used as a value, namely (of course) the number of dimensions. If either TWODIM or THREEDIM are defined, vectmath.h will define NDIM to be 2 or 3 respectively, incase NDIM is subsequently needed. If none of these symbols is defined when vectmath.h is included, the default is THREEDIM. Note that CROSSVP is defined only for TWODIM and THREEDIM.

Unless the symbol NOTYPEDEF is defined when vectmath.h is included, vector and matrix will be defined as NDIM and NDIM by NDIM arrays of real numbers, respectively (see stdinc(3NEMO) for a description of real). These may be used to declare vector and matrix objects to be manipulated.

The exact definitions of these operations correspond to the index language expressions given above. Some of these definitions imply restrictions on placing the same object on both sides of the assignment operation. For example,

        ADDV(v, v, u);
does exactly the right thing, but
        CROSSVP(v, v, u);
puts garbage into v, instead of the cross-product of v and u.

Most of these operations are implemented as macros which expand in line. A subtle point connected with this is that syntactically, a reference to of one of these macros is a statement, not an expression. This means that, for example, the code fragment

        if (foobar)
            ADDV(x, y, z);
            SUBV(x, y, z);
will not compile, because the terminating semi-colon following the ADDV is seen as a seperate (null) statement. The best way to solve this problem is to code the above example as follows:
        if (foobar) {
            ADDV(x, y, z);
        } else {
            SUBV(x, y, z);
The enclosing curly-brackets insure that the code is syntactically correct both before and after macro expansion.

Those operators which return a scalar value instead of storing it (currently, dotvp, absv, distv, and tracem) are implemented by functions which are called from macro expansions. These functions need to know if their arguments are floating or double arrays; vectmath.h uses the preprocessor symbol SINGLEPREC to determine the precision in use. Mixed-precision expressions yield incorrect results; for example,

    float x[NDIM];
    double y[NDIM];
    ... dotvp(x,y);

will fail.  Consistent use of the abstractions real, vector,
and matrix is suggested.

Some impure, but useful, vector and matrix operations are also defined.

For example, ADDVS sets each element of a vector to a scalar,
and MULVV multiplies two vectors with each other, element by

BugsYou cannot (easily)  mix vectors and matrices of different dimensionality
within the same source code. History
30-nov-86    (man) Created                                     JEB
22-oct-90    Merged in some starlab macros               PJT
27-apr-92    Added SMULVV and documented starlab macros    PJT

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