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Table of Contents
taxon - orbit classification
taxon classifies
2D or 3D orbits. An ascii input file with positions is all that is needed.
A taxon.par file controls the program.
Example 2D input
43.orb input ascii table with X,Y positions
2 0 0 1 jdim,jcla,jcl,jpan
jdim : Dimension (2 or 3)
jcla : Dump results to file
jcl : Dump simplified
results to file
jpan : Dump messages to the screen
Daniel Carpintero
, snapmask(1NEMO)
, orbit(1NEMO)
Carpintero & Aguilar, 1998. MNRAS 298, 1.
oct-2006 V13.1 DC
25-jul-2013 added to NEMO PJT
Table of Contents