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tabsmooth - smooth columns of a table (Hanning, Savitzky-Golay)
tabsmooth convolves selected column(s) of
an ASCII table. It does this without paying attention to the actual X coordinate
(meaning: a constant step size is assumed). Use tabspline(1NEMO)
to interpolate
across an irregularly sampled table.
The filter= option is used to select
the filter, for example a Hanning, Boxcar, Gaussian and a Savitzky-Golay
filter (and some of their derivates) can be selected. A pass-through is
also allowed. Some of the filters need additional argument(s), given by
pars= and are described below.
Optionally the smoothing kernel can be shown
using show=t without the need to read a table.
The following
parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
- in=
- Input file name.
No default
- xcol=
- Column(s) to use. Although multiple columns can be used,
only those columns are output to stdout.
- filter=
- Filter option. The way the options are set will likely change,
this is work in progress. Either a number value can be given, or a minimum
match to the filter name, as shown in the first column:
-1 passthrough, the column(s) not modified
0,h hanning (1,2,1)
1 SK2 5pt smooth
2 SK2 1st derivative with h=1 (sum=0)
3 SK2 2nd derivative with h=1 (sum=0)
4 SK4 7pt smooth
5 SK4 1st derivative (sum=0)
11,b boxcar, needs pars=width
12,g gaussian, needs pars=width[,nsigma=4,old_width=0]
13,t trapezoidal, needs pars=width (width=1 is also the hanning)
The smoothing kernels are normalized to 1 to conserve "flux" (defined as
the sum of values here), though there will be some flux loss at the edges
of a table. The width is given in pixels. If the optional old_width is given,
the smoothing kernel is determines from the usual sqrt(new**2-old**2). Note
that for the gaussian width is meant to the FWHM = 2.355 * sigma
Default: 0
- pars=par1,par2,...
- Optional parameters some of the filters need.
See filter= for the filters that need parameters.
Default: not used
- smooth=
- Manually set the smoothing array. By default,
the filter= is used to set the smoothing array. Be sure to enter an odd
number of array elements, for example a normalized Hanning would be smooth=0.25,0.5,0.25.
Default: not used.
- tcol=
- Optional column designating the independant variable.
Currently the actual value is ignored, but this column will be output before
the smoothed column(s).
Default: not used.
- show=t|f
- If set, it will show the smoothing kernel. No
input file is needed in this case.
Default: f
- nsmooth=
- Number of successive smoothings applied.
Not implemented yet, just a single smoothing is applied.
- edge=0|1|2
- how to
deal with edges. See EDGE below. Only a limited number have been implemented.
Default: 0
Treatment of smoothing the edge has several options. In
general the flux will not be conserved near the edge. Here we compare how
this is handled in a few popular packages:
1) Following the EDGE options
in the IDL package (see
we have:
- Set the outside edge to a specific value. If 0, that’s
EDGE_ZERO, if not we should capture that value. -- not implemented here
- This is out edge=1.
- reflection. like mirror, but shifted
over one.
- This is the default in gbtidl (edge=2)
for the left side. Why the right side needs to inherit the left side is
beyond me. Seems like a typo to me.
- wrapping
- Our edge=0
2) Following astropy (see
we have:
- boundary=’fill’
- Default fill value is 0.0 (edge=0)
This is the default in astropy.
- boundary=’extend’
- Constant extrapolation of
the edge value beyond the boundary (edge=2)
Here we draw 100000
random values from a normal distribution (mean 0, dispersion 1) and smooth
them with various filters, and observe what the resulting dispersion is:
tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 -1 | tabstat - | grep disp 1.0022 tabgen
- 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 0 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.6128 tabgen - 100000
1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 1 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.6973 tabgen - 100000 1 2 123|
tabsmooth - 1 4 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.7537
Here is the gaussian smoothing
kernel, then applied to the previous example using a NEMO @file
tabsmooth . filter=g pars=2 show=t
$ tabsmooth . filter=g pars=2 show=t >
$ tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 | tabstat - | grep
disp: 0.577259
$ nemoinp 1:20 | tabmath - - ’ifeq(%1,10,1,0)’ |\
tabsmooth - 2 g 4 tcol=1 | tabnllsqfit - fit=gauss1d
Fitting a+b*exp(-(x-c)^2/(2*d^2)):
a= -9.44068e-06 4.59111e-06
b= 0.234891 1.12118e-05
c= 10 8.96171e-05
d= 1.69874 0.000101174
In the last example a delta-function is convolved with a gaussian of
(fwhm) width=4, thus the (sigma) d parameter should fit as 4/2.355 = 1.698
, tabtrend(1NEMO)
, tabrows(1NEMO)
, tabcols(1NEMO)
, ccdsmooth(1NEMO)
, table(5NEMO)
Peter Teuben
20-dec-2010 V0.1 Created, Q&D PJT
13-oct-2014 documented smooth= PJT
28-sep-2023 V0.5 added filter= PJT
29-sep-2023 V0.6 converted to table V2 PJT
29-nov-2023 V0.7 added tcol= PJT
21-jun-2023 V0.8 added show= and pars= for filters PJT
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