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tabsmooth - smooth columns of a table (Hanning, Savitzky-Golay)


tabsmooth [parameter=value]


tabsmooth convolves selected column(s) of an ASCII table. It does this without paying attention to the actual X coordinate (meaning: a constant step size is assumed). Use tabspline(1NEMO) to interpolate across an irregularly sampled table.

The filter= option is used to select the filter, for example a Hanning, Boxcar, Gaussian and a Savitzky-Golay filter (and some of their derivates) can be selected. A pass-through is also allowed. Some of the filters need additional argument(s), given by pars= and are described below.

Optionally the smoothing kernel can be shown using show=t without the need to read a table.


The following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
Input file name.
No default
Column(s) to use. Although multiple columns can be used, only those columns are output to stdout.
Filter option. The way the options are set will likely change, this is work in progress. Either a number value can be given, or a minimum match to the filter name, as shown in the first column:
   -1   passthrough, the column(s) not modified
   0,h  hanning (1,2,1)
   1    SK2 5pt smooth
   2    SK2 1st derivative with h=1 (sum=0)
   3    SK2 2nd derivative with h=1 (sum=0)
   4    SK4 7pt smooth
   5    SK4 1st derivative  (sum=0)
  11,b  boxcar, needs  pars=width
  12,g  gaussian, needs pars=width[,nsigma=4,old_width=0]
  13,t  trapezoidal, needs pars=width (width=1 is also the hanning)
The smoothing kernels are normalized to 1 to conserve "flux" (defined as the sum of values here), though there will be some flux loss at the edges of a table. The width is given in pixels. If the optional old_width is given, the smoothing kernel is determines from the usual sqrt(new**2-old**2). Note that for the gaussian width is meant to the FWHM = 2.355 * sigma

Default: 0

Optional parameters some of the filters need. See filter= for the filters that need parameters.
Default: not used
Manually set the smoothing array. By default, the filter= is used to set the smoothing array. Be sure to enter an odd number of array elements, for example a normalized Hanning would be smooth=0.25,0.5,0.25.
Default: not used.
Optional column designating the independant variable. Currently the actual value is ignored, but this column will be output before the smoothed column(s).
Default: not used.
If set, it will show the smoothing kernel. No input file is needed in this case.
Default: f
Number of successive smoothings applied.
Not implemented yet, just a single smoothing is applied.
how to deal with edges. See EDGE below. Only a limited number have been implemented.
Default: 0


Treatment of smoothing the edge has several options. In general the flux will not be conserved near the edge. Here we compare how this is handled in a few popular packages:

1) Following the EDGE options in the IDL package (see we have:

Set the outside edge to a specific value. If 0, that’s EDGE_ZERO, if not we should capture that value. -- not implemented here --
This is out edge=1.
reflection. like mirror, but shifted over one.
This is the default in gbtidl (edge=2) for the left side. Why the right side needs to inherit the left side is beyond me. Seems like a typo to me.
Our edge=0

2) Following astropy (see we have:

Default fill value is 0.0 (edge=0)
This is the default in astropy.
Constant extrapolation of the edge value beyond the boundary (edge=2)


Here we draw 100000 random values from a normal distribution (mean 0, dispersion 1) and smooth them with various filters, and observe what the resulting dispersion is:

tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 -1 | tabstat - | grep disp 1.0022 tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 0 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.6128 tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 1 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.6973 tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 4 | tabstat - | grep disp 0.7537

Here is the gaussian smoothing kernel, then applied to the previous example using a NEMO @file

$ tabsmooth . filter=g pars=2 show=t

$ tabsmooth . filter=g pars=2 show=t >
$ tabgen - 100000 1 2 123| tabsmooth - 1 | tabstat - | grep disp
disp: 0.577259

$ nemoinp 1:20 | tabmath - - ’ifeq(%1,10,1,0)’ |\
tabsmooth - 2 g 4 tcol=1 | tabnllsqfit - fit=gauss1d
Fitting a+b*exp(-(x-c)^2/(2*d^2)):
a= -9.44068e-06 4.59111e-06
b= 0.234891 1.12118e-05
c= 10 8.96171e-05
d= 1.69874 0.000101174

In the last example a delta-function is convolved with a gaussian of (fwhm) width=4, thus the (sigma) d parameter should fit as 4/2.355 = 1.698

See Also

tabmath(1NEMO) , tabtrend(1NEMO) , tabrows(1NEMO) , tabcols(1NEMO) , tabspline(1NEMO) , ccdsmooth(1NEMO) , table(5NEMO)


Peter Teuben


20-dec-2010    V0.1 Created, Q&D    PJT
13-oct-2014    documented smooth=    PJT
28-sep-2023    V0.5 added filter=    PJT
29-sep-2023    V0.6 converted to table V2    PJT
29-nov-2023    V0.7 added tcol=    PJT
21-jun-2023    V0.8 added show= and pars= for filters     PJT

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