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tabslide - template sliding through large ascii datasets
in=- [parameter=value]
This programs does nothing useful yet,
is meant as a template to slide through large ASCII tables and doing useful
work on sections of data. The template simply sums all the listed columns
and rows.
Warning: for data not in a pipe, the nmax= parameter is ignored,
since nemo_file_lines is used (see file_lines(3NEMO)
The following
parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
- in=
- input (table) file name (should be a pipe, ie. "-"). No default
- xcol=
- column(s)
to be read, multiple columns are allowed. [Default: 1].
- nmax=
- Default max
allocation for data in a pipe. [10000]
For a compressed table
5body0.dat.gz (63MB), which has 2808998 rows and 8 columns, the following
measurements were obtained on a P4/1.6GHz laptop (nominal peak I/O around
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | sum 10"
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | wc 56"
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | awk ’END{print NF,NR}’ 35"
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | awk ’{sum+=$1}END{print sum,NF,NR}’ 40"
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | tabslide - 34"
zcat 5body0.dat.gz | tabslide - nmax=100000 35"
Peter Teuben
11-Jun-03 V0.1 Created at template for Vanessa PJT
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