super can contain cosmological. supergp include galactic potential. superst include sticky particles code.
$NEMO/usr/superboxThe main files associated with the run are (notice the basename ’galaxy’ is fixed by the code):
name small file with the name of the simulation (e.g. modelxy) modelxy.CONT input data modelxy.CONT0 ?? modelxy.CONT1 ?? modelxy.HEAD output summary of runtime-calculated quantities per timestep modelxy.DTENS ?? modelxy.ITENS ?? modelxy.LOG logfile modelxy.adat ?? modelxy.edat ?? modelxy.dens ?? modelxy.potn ?? ?? modelxy.out ?? bla blabla
Initial conditions is a direct-access file. The first header contains 60
integers (only some are used), followed by 60 reals. After this the data
for each star is followed, only the phase space coordinates are needed
(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz), in records of 6 reals..
ih(1) number of galaxies (gnum) ih(2) total number of stars (istno) .... fh(1) size of inner grid (rcore) fh(2) size of middle grid (rout) fh(3) size of local universe (rsystem) fh(4) size of time-step (dt) .....Here are the fortran-style I/O used in the code. Notice the tricky multiple OPEN/CLOSE for the different record lengths:
integer ih(60) real fh(60), posvel(6) open (1,ACCESS=’DIRECT’,RECL=240,IOSTAT=iso) write (1,rec = 1) ih write (1,rec = 2) fh close(1) open (1,ACCESS=’DIRECT’,RECL=24,IOSTAT=iso) do i=1,nstar ... write(1,rec=20+i) posvel end do close(1)
Fellhauer et al (2000)
?? V2.4 older version, w/ sticky particles, black holes, comoving coords 1997 V3.0 new improved, but without some previous features 4-mar-06 NEMO documented PJT 18-mar-06 V3.3.1 imported for NEMO