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Table of Contents
snappot - add analytical potentials/forces to an N-body system
snappot - add forces and potential from an
analytical potential to a snapshot. Note this replaces (not add) any previously
stored values of the potential and accelerations.
The following
parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
- in=
- Input file (snapshot) No default.
- out=
- Output file (snapshot) No default.
- potname=
- name of potential(5)
No default.
- potpars=
- parameters to potential
- potfile=
- optional filename to potential []
- times=
- Which times
to work on [all]
Some snapshots created use virial units,and their
structural parameters are not simply unity numbers. For example mkhomsph(1NEMO)
uses a default rmax=1.2 with mass 1 for virial units, whereas potname=hom
uses the equivalent of mass=1 rmax=1.
The first parameter in potpars= is
normally interpreted as the pattern speed. Any non-zero pattern speed will
also modify the potential and forces with the centrifugal terms.
is an example creating a homogenous sphere 1000 particles and radius=1
(mass=1). Computing exact Newtonian forces and potentials via snappot and
then using hackforce using no softening, then using snapcmp to compare
the potentials:
% mkhomsph hom.1 nbody=1000 rmin=0 rmax=1
% snappot hom.1 hom.2 potname=hom
% hackforce hom.1 hom.3 tol=0.5 eps=0.0
% snapcmp hom.2 hom.3 obs=phi
# time Min Qlow Median Qhigh Max Mean Sigma
0 -0.0597801 -0.0123398 0.00170801 0.0167317 0.265311 0.00351182 0.0259002
% snapcmp hom.2 hom.3 obs=phi relative=t
# time Min Qlow Median Qhigh Max Mean Sigma
0 -0.218659 -0.0138202 -0.0013817 0.0111966 0.0504391 -0.00242348 0.0212987
, hackforce(1NEMO)
, snapshot(5NEMO)
, potential(5NEMO)
Peter Teuben
25-Mar-05 V1.0 Created PJT
Table of Contents