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snapfold - fold a thin disk N-body snapshot file into a cone along Z
snapfold in=snap-file out=snap-file [parameter=value] ...
folds the positions and velocities of an N-body snapshot file representing
a thin disk. The disk can be folded up to a cone around the +Z axis, or
down to a cone around the -Z axis. Fold angle (theta=) must thus be between
-90 and +90.
The following parameters are recognized; they may
be given in any order.
- in=snap-file
- Input data is read from snap-file, which
must be in snapshot format.
- out=snap-file
- Output data is written to snap-file.
- theta=x-angle
- Fold Angle (in degrees). Default: 0.0
- select=
- Select the vectors
for rotation. Normally you want to select all vectors. [pos,vel,acc]
- fill=t|f
- Fill the cone? Otherwise it will be a thin wall. Default: false
- view=0,1,-1
- Limit the view of the cone. view=0 shows the whole cone, view=1 shows the
front side (towards the -Y axis) view=-1 the backside (towards the +Y axis).
The value of 1+|view| will actually determine the opening angle in the plane
of the visible part. [0]
Here is an example creating a tilted cone
with outflow
set nbody = 10000
set vscale = 0
set outflow = 1.0
set cone = 30
set inc = 30
here vscale controls how much rotation is left, and outflow how much radial
outflow. cone is the opening angle of the outflow, which points to the observer,
but inc will incline it from the sky/disk plane.
mkdisk - $nbody mass=1 |\
snapscale - - vscale=$vscale |\
snapspin - - omega=$outflow outflow=t|\
snapfold - - theta=90-$cone |\
snaprotate - - $inc y |\
snapgrid - $out.vel moment=-1
In this example the outflow is perpendicular to a disk, which is not in
this example. A more expaned version is in the script mk_cone.
, snapshot(5NEMO)
Peter Teuben
$NEMO/scripts/csh/mk_cone - expanded example of a disk with one or two outflow
20-nov-2017 V0.1 a quick hack to make a cone (at ESO) PJT
22-mar-2018 V0.3 add fill= PJT
22-jul-2020 note the new mk_cone script PJT
28-jul-2020 V0.4 allow the cone to shrink in angle as well (view=) PJT
Table of Contents