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runqumond - Frontend to the QuMond program
runqumond [parameter=value]
QuMond is a cosmology code that allow one to play with MOND
type gravity as well as classical Newtonian gravity. The program was developed
by G. Angus (20xx, ..., in press??).
This program only assembles the parameter
to write the input parameter file, copies your input file to the properly
named qmics.dat file, stuffs all of that in a (new) run directory, and runs
the program in that directory, for the ease of managing multiple runs of
The following parameters are recognized in any order if
the keyword is also given:
- in=
- Input snapshot. No default, currently needs
to be an ASCII file
- outdir=
- Run directory. No default.
- out=
- Output snapshot(s)
if to convert back to NEMO? Not implemented.
- numbs=
- Number of integration
steps [8]
- aexpn=
- Initial scale factor (z=1/aexpn-1) [0.00544081442]
- adiv=
- Normalisation of time steps [0.002]
- om0=
- Omega_0 (Omega_0=Omega_cdm+Omega_nu+Omega_baryon)
- vsca=
- length of box (Mpc/h) [512.0]
- hubble=
- Hubble param
used in cosmics [73.20]
- mond=
- Desired nu-function (0:no MOND, 1:some weird
fcn, 2:simple nu function) [2]
- freq=
- frequency to output a binary file
- brand=
- Restarting option (0=new and ascii, 2=old and binary)
- au0=
- a_0 is empirically ~ 1.2e-8m/s^2. Want to rescale it by a factor s.t. g_0=factor*a_o
Run the standard benchmark with the default parameters:
% time runqumond $NEMODAT/qmics.dat run_bench
% tail -1 run_bench/gout1001.dat
32.9911329659966270 32.9889230852932585 32.9910473750990079
-0.0162493558387977 -0.0155574632018622 -0.0166939677870501
% rm -rf run_bench
with the following 2011 examples (in CPU seconds):
i7 CPU 870 @2.93GHz 36.4
i7 CPU 880 @3.07GHz 34.6
Core2 6600 @2.40GHz 54.1
Xeon @3.20GHz 62.6
Xeon E5530 @2.40GHz 48.3
The actual code has some hard coded file names, hence the concept
of running this in a seperate directory, to ease the pain of quickly running
simulations in parallel.
QMcode Name of the executable
qmics.dat Input datafile QMcode needs (6 floats for p,v per line)
gout1000.dat Output file Name(s) (1000,1001,1002,....). Same format as input
start.txt Input Parameter file
Garry Angus (QMcode) / Peter Teuben (C-frontend)
mar-11 V0.1 created PJT
28-Apr-11 V0.2 updated to run QMcode PJT
Table of Contents