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redir - redirect standard output and/or standard error (diagnostic output)


redir [-[a][oeOE] file] ... command arg1 arg2 ...


Redir executes the named command with the given arguments, redirecting the standard output and/or standard input according to the options given. This program exists to remedy a serious deficiency in csh(1) , namely that csh does not allow stdout and stderr to be redirected separately. The options are:
-o file
Redirect the standard output of the named command to the file "file", only if "file" does not yet exist.
-O file
Redirect the standard output of the named command to the file "file", clobbering the existing version of "file" if it exists.
Redirect the standard error (diagnostic output) of the named command to file "file", only if "file" does not yet exist.
Redirect the standard error (diagnostic output) of the named command to the file "file", clobbering the existing version of "file" if it exists.
-ao file
Append the standard output of the named command to the file "file", whether or not "file" exists.
-ae file
Append the standard error (diagnostic output) of the named command to the file "file", whether or not "file" exists.

-aO and -aE are synonyms for -ao and -ae.


The following example demonstrates a means for piping the output of sed through ctags and then into awk; errors from ctags will be placed in the file "errors":
% ... | sed -f sed-script | redir -e errors ctags -x | awk -f awk-script | ...
When you want to pipe command A through command B, collecting the stderr of A in A.err and the stderr of B in B.err, while displaying the stdout of B, you could do the following:
%          redir -e A.err A | redir -e B.err B


Bob Glickstein
       Information Technology Center
       Carnegie Mellon University
       Pittsburgh, PA


5-feb-88    argc==1 check added    PJT

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