nemopars par1,par2,... rc1 rc2 ...
# ./ version=11-aug-2022 run=run0 m=1 v0=1 seed=-3 m16=0.815569the command
nemopars m,v0,m16 run0/nemopars.rcwould result
# m v0 m16 1 1 0.815569
When many simulations each in their own run directory, a command line
nemopars m,v0,m15 run*/nemopars.rc
would be a quick way to assemble a table summarizing these three parameters
When a parameter is missing (or mis-spelled) from the rc file, the value "nan" is printed instead.
Multi-word string variables are not captured, viz.
$NEMO/src/scripts/nemopars (python) script
17-aug-2022 Created PJT 16-nov-2022 Print "nan" when parameter missing PJT