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mk2body - make a 2 body system
mk2body [parameter=value]
initial conditions for a 2-body problem but where the main body is initially
at the origin with unit mass. Only the mass and phase space coordinates
of the 2nd body can given.
The following parameters are recognized
in any order if the keyword is also given:
- out=
- output file name. No default.
- m=
- mass of 2nd particle [0.1]
- x=
- X position of 2nd particle [1]
- y=
- Y position of 2nd particle [0]
- z=
- Z position of 2nd particle [0]
- vx=
- VX velocity of 2nd particle [0]
- vy=
- VY velocity of 2nd particle [1]
- vz=
- VY velocity of 2nd particle [0]
- mass=
- Mass of central particle [1.0]
- zerocm=
- if true, zero the center of mass [true]
- headline=
- verbiage for
output []
, mktt72(1NEMO)
, snapbinary(1NEMO)
Peter Teuben
29-Jul-09 V1.0 Created PJT
7-jun-10 V2.0 added mass= PJT
Table of Contents