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hellersnap - convert Heller’s SPH dumps to snapshot
Converts Clayton Heller’s NBODY+SPH dump files
into standard snapshot(5NEMO)
Note that there are different versions
around. See also dmp2nemo, written before this version was known.
following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also
- in=
- Input dump file. No default.
- out=
- Output snapshot file. No default.
- key=class
- aux=
- phi=
- acc=
- lsfm=
- If given, you can override the boolean (fortran)
value of the lsfm parameter (last one in the first record of the data).
You may need to set this to false, if you want to read certain types of
old data.
- version=
- If given, override any internal versioning that may be
- headline=
- Random verbiage
Dump files are unformatted FORTRAN,
that can also be inspected with NEMO’s unfio(1NEMO)
program. The following
blocks are dumped:
1. dmpindx,date,ndim,eqnindx,version,gamma,poly,lsfm (64 bytes)
2. tframe,n1,n2 (16 bytes)
3. class(n0) ** Key **
4. state(n0)
5. mass(n0) ** Mass **
6. x(n0) ** PhaseSpace **
7. y(n0)
8. z(n0)
9. vx(n0)
10. vy(n0)
11. vz(n0)
12. eps(n0) : dmpindx > 1
13. phi(n0) ** Potential **
14. ax(n0) ** Acc **
15. ay(n0)
16. az(n0)
17. smft(n0) [only if lsfm is TRUE)
18. smfz(n0) [only if lsfm is TRUE)
19. u(n2) : dmpindx > 2 && n2 > 0
20. d(n2)
21. divv(n2)
22. udot1(n2)
23. udot2(n2)
24. udot3(n2) [only in version 2]
25. udot4(n2) [only in version 2]
26. h(n2)
27. wgtmol(n2) [only in version 2]
28. frcneu(n2) [only in version 2]
29. tau(n2) [only in version 2]
, snapshot(5NEMO)
src/nbody/io hellersnap.c
Peter Teuben
26-jun-98 V1.0 Created, for version=1 NEMO
23-may-01 V2.0 included new options, for version=2 PJT
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