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Table of Contents
glnemo - Interactive 3D OpenGL visualization program for Nemo snapshots
glnemo [parameter=value]
glnemo is an interactive
visualization program for snapshots, based on the Qt library from Trolltech.
You can zoom in/out, rotate, scale, translate, save a screenshot, select
different particles and plot them in different blending colors, display
velocity vectors and make animations .
glnemo is depracated, glnemo2 has
replaced it .
The following parameters are recognized in any order
if the keyword is also given:
- in=
- Nemo input snapshot [] or ascii file
with a list of NEMO snapshots. In such case, the ascii file must begin with
the following line: #glnemo_list_file
-------- cut here --------
my_snap.0001.nemo 0:199999
my_snap.0002.nemo 100:299999
my_snap.0003.nemo 0:1999,3000:5000
-------- cut here --------
- server=
- Running simulation server hostname (right now works with gyrfalcON)
- select=
- Select particles. This option can be used to color the particles.
Sets of particles must be selected using the : range operator, separated
by a comma. E.g. 0:9,10:19 would select two sets of 10 particles and give
them a different color. [all]
- range_visib=
- Toggle visibility for the particles
selected via ’select=’ options. Can be usefull if you only want to display
particles selected via ’select_list’ options(see below). In that case you
should set
- select_list=
- Select particles from file(s) of list of indexes.
You can give several files separated with ’,’. Each files must have the following
-------- cut here --------
#p_index_list <--- MUST be the first line (file header)
-------- cut here --------
Each indexes must be lower than the #particles read.
- times=
- Select time
- vel=
- load velocity coordinates [t]
- disp_vel=
- display velocity
vectors [f]
- blending=
- Activate blending colors [t]
- dbuffer=
- Activate
OpenGL depth buffer [f]
- perspective=
- Perspective projection is activated
by default. Select ’f’ to toggle to orthographic projection.[t]
- bestzoom=
- If
activated, it performs an automatic zoom to fit all particles on the display.[t]
- play=
- automatically load and display next snapshot [f]
- ortho_range=
- [xy] range size in case of orthographic projection.[6.0]
- zoom=
- Zoom value.[-14.0]
- xrot=
- Rotation angle on X axis.[0.0]
- yrot=
- Rotation angle on Y axis.[0.0]
- zrot=
- Rotation angle on Z axis.[0.0]
- xtrans=
- translation on X.[0.0]
- ytrans=
- translation
on Y.[0.0]
- ztrans=
- translation on Z.[0.0]
- grid=
- Show grid [f]
- gas=
- toggle gas
like particles effect.[f]
- texture_s=
- texture size for gas like particles,
0 < value <= 1.[0.15]
- texture_ac=
- texture alpha color for gas like particles,
0 <= value <= 255.[125]
- psize=
- Set particles size [1.0]
- port=
- Running simulation
server’s communication port [4444]
- wsize=
- Windows’s width size [925]
- hsize=
- Windows’s height size [685]
- screenshot=
- Screenshot name []
- anim_file=
- Animation filename (previously recorded from animation module)
- anim_play=
- play an animation ? (anim_file must be selected) [t]
- anim_bench=
- play an animation in benchmark mode ? [t]
All the parameters given
to the command line can be interactively modified in real time using the
graphic user interface composed of menus, icons and dialog boxes. Most of
the operations can also be activated by hitting a key in the display window
+ zoom in
- zoom out
Wheel Mouse zoom in or out
CTRL + Left-Mouse/Right-Mouse translate
g toggle the grid
r launch particles ranges/color dialog box
o launch option dialog box
CTRL + r reset rotation/translation
CTRL + a autoscale to fit the frame
s take a screenshot
p play all snapshots
ALT + g toogle gas like particles effect
CTRL + p launch printer dialog box
f toggle fullscreen (might make it slow)
shift + M launch animation box
, glnemo2(1NEMO)
library web site
CeCILL (see
directory with source code
Home page
Jean-Charles Lambert
03-dec-04 V0.50 added to NEMO JCL
22-jun-05 V0.87 lot of fixes and enhancement JCL
25-Apr-06 V0.90 animation module, octree, bugs fixed JCL
15-Jul-06 V0.92 bigger DOF, cube display, bugs fixed JCL
26-Sep-06 V0.93 velocity vectors display, bugs fixed JCL
19-Jun-07 V0.94 list of snapshots as input JCL
snapshots with different #bodies
animation files etc...see Changelog
13-Jul-07 V0.94.1 bugs fixed JCL
22-Nov-07 V0.94.2 bugs fixed on zoom and octree JCL
Table of Contents