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fitsgids, mirgids - display an image on the GIDS display server


fitsgids in=fits_file [parameter=value]


fitsgids loads an image from (the primary HDU of) a fitsfile into the gids display server (see also gids(lNEMO) ). Through the server program the images can then be manipulated, although there is a selection of a transfer function (see filter= below). By default all planes from the input file are loaded, and GIDS can also be used to display them in movie mode XY-XZ-YZ slice mode (see EXAMPLES below).

fitsgids also prepares GIDS automatically for movie sequencing, such that the plane numbers do not have to be typed in, one can directly go to the Loop command. This is however not the case for slice mode.

mirgids expects a miriad dataset instead of a fits file, but is otherwise the same.


The following parameters are recognized in any order if the keyword is also given:
Input file. Expected to be in fits(5NEMO) format for fitsgids, and a miriad image dataset for mirgids. No default.
Datamin, if to override. By default the value of the DATAMIN fits header keyword will be used, otherwise no default. The value applies to the actual physical datavalue, not the filtered value (see filter= below). The datamin/max values the program reports at the end are the filtered values.
Datamax, if to override. By default the value of the DATAMAX fits header keyword will be used, otherwise no default.
List of X pixels to display. This can be any nemoinpi(3NEMO) expression, and does not have to be in order. Must be in range 1..NAXIS1. [all].
List of Y pixels to display. Valid ranges 1..NAXIS2, see above. [all].
List of Z pixels to display. Valid ranges 1..NAXIS3, see above. [all].
Plane to start recording in. Valid planes are 1 to the largest number your GIDS server allows. Any other number is invalid, and bypasses calls to the GIDS server. Default: 1.
An additional transfer function can be supplied here by which the data will be ‘‘scaled’’. Valid options are linear, sqrt, sqr, log, exp. [Default: linear].


The following command loads all planes from a datacube m51.cube.fits (assumed to contain 41 planes in this example) with a stretch from -10 to 90:
    % fitsgids m51.cube.fits -10 90
Next, to get into GIDS movie mode, go through the Etcetera/Recording menus and type in the planes that you want to see in a movie in the 7th (blank) widget in the upper left corner of the GIDS server, i.e.
    1:41    ( in the entry window -- not required if auto-sequenced)
will show planes 1 through 41 (press the middle mouse button on Loop menu for context sensitive help), and use the middle mouse button in the display window to control the speed. Exit from this with Return.

To get into slice mode (3 simultaneous orthogonal views of the datacube) from the previous (movie) setup type:

    1:41        ( in the entry window)
    Zoom X
    1:41        ( in the entry window)
and point with any mousebutton on features in any of the 3 windows, and watch the display change.


If you do not have the gipsy environment loaded, and/or the gids server program has not been loaded yet, fitsgids will attempt to do this for you, but may not be able to find the help file. To remidy this, start up gids manually, with enough memory allocated to store images, before. For example:
    % gids -memory 10000
would allocate 10,000 Kb. Remember you can always use Resize to a smaller display, and hence allocate more image planes to use for storing movies. The gipsy environment should define an environment variable $gids_setup

Program needs to be compiled with the libgdi.a, not GIPSY’s giplib.a. Various fortran I/O libraries would otherwise be needed to complete linking.

See Also

gids(lNEMO) , saoimage(1) , ds(1) , fitsio(3NEMO) , nemoinpi(3NEMO) , fits(5NEMO)


$gids_setup    directory in which the tvdevices file lives
DEFAULT_DISPLAY    temp file, created by ... contains
src/image/fits    fitsgids.c (main), look_nemo.c (nemo-gipsy interface)
usr/gipsy    gids, libgdi (see also


Peter Teuben

Update History

140may-93    V0.x initial rough cut version written    PJT
21-Jul-94    V1.0 implemented x,y,z= and fixed scaling; added much needed cache    PJT
27-mar-95    documented some of the peculiarities of startup files    PJT
13-apr-95    V1.1 added filter=    PJT
1-feb-98    V1.1a more verbose error messages    PJT

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