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inifie, dofie, dmpfie - expression parser


inifie parses an input string which contains a mathematical formula, and dofie does the actual calculation. dmpfie is merely included as a debugging aid, it lists the operations which are performed in dofie.

The above routines can be called by FORTRAN. Their standard C counterparts have an appended _c, i.e. inifie_c, dofie_c and dmpfie_c.

For ease of use NEMO has defined counterparts where input variables can be entered by value, return valued must be obtained by reference always. In this case the names become inifien, dofien and dmpfien.


int inifie(code)
            parse code for DOFIE
            CODE    Input   Array of bytes (with trailing zero byte) or
                            fortran character string containing the 
                            mathematical formula. 
                            Maximum number of bytes is 255.
                            String may contain:
                            functions    fff(..)   see below for a list
                                                   of available functions
                            constants    ccc       see below 
                            operators    opr       see below
                            parameters   $n        a parameter is a value
                                                   taken from a real*4
                                                   inserted at the position
                                                   $n in the expression.
                                                   1 <= n <= 32.
            INIFIE  Output  Integer return value. A value >= 0 indicates
                            the number of parameters, a value < 0 indicates
                            that an error has occured during the parsing
                            CODE near byte number -INIFIE.
subroutine dofie(pars,n,result,errval)
            evaluates the expression processed by INIFIE for N parameter
            does not return a useful thing, i.e. a C (void).
            PARS    Input   Real*4 array of parameters. The parameters are
                            stored in the following way: The first N elements
                            contain parameter 1, the next N elements 
                            parameter 2, etc. The total size of pars is
                            INIFIE * N.
            N       Input   Integer*4 number of parameter sets.
                            (used to be Integer*2 !!!)
            RESULT  Output  Real*4 array contains the results
            ERRVAL  Input   Real*4 value to be put in RESULT if an error
                            occurred while evaluating CODE
subroutine dmpfie()
            dumps contents of expression stack to output
operators:  The following operators are known:
            +          addition               -          subtraction
            *          multiplication         /          division
            **         power
constants:  The following constants are implemented:
            pi         3.14159....            c          speed of light (SI)
            h          Planck (SI)            k          Boltzmann (SI)
            g          gravitation (SI)       s          Stefan-Boltzman
            m          mass of sun (SI)       p          parsec (SI)
            undef      errorval (see DOFIE)
            Note: the Hubble constant is not included.
functions:  The following mathematical functions are implemented:
            abs(x)    absolute value of x   sqrt(x)    square root of x
            sin(x)    sine of x             asin(x)    inverse sine of
            cos(x)    cosine of x           acos(x)    inverse cosine of
            tan(x)    tangent of x          atan(x)    inverse tan of x
            exp(x)    exponential of x      sinh(x)    hyperbolic sine
of x
            ln(x)     natural log of x      cosh(x)    hyperbolic cosine
of x
            log(x)    log (bas 10) of x     tanh(x)    hyperbolic tangent
of x
            rad(x)    convert x to radians  deg(x)     convert x to degrees
            erf(x)    error function of x   erfc(x)    1-error function
            max(x,y)  maximum of x and y    min(x,y)   minimum of x and
            sinc(x)   sin(x)/x              atan2(x,y) inverse tan (mod
                                                       x = sin, y = cos
            sign(x)   sign of x (-1,0,1)    mod(x,y)   gives remainder of
            int(x)    truncates to integer  nint(x)    nearest integer
            ranu(x,y) generates uniform noise between x and y
            rang(x,y) generates gaussian noise with mean x and dispersion
            ranp(x)   generates poisson noise with mean x
            ifeq(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x equal y, else b
            ifne(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x not equal y, else b
            ifgt(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x greater y, else b
            ifge(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x greater or equal y, else b
            iflt(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x less y, else b
            ifle(x,y,a,b)  returns a if x less or equal y, else b
            range(x,a,b)   returns 1 if x inbetween a and b, including
a and b.
        sind(x), cosd(x), tand(x)        sine/cosine/tangent in degrees
Notes:      The calculations are all done in double precision (double),
although the
            input and output arrays are in single precision (float).
Remarks:    If you cannot find your favorite constant or function in the
            please contact Kor Begeman. He might be persuaded to put it


                  PROGRAM TEST
C == warning; program not conform to fortran77 and f2c interface definition
                  logical*1 string(255)
                  integer*2 inifie
                  integer*2 i, npar
                  real*4    pars(20), result(10), errval
            C     get wanted function from user
                  read(*,’(q,<n>a1)’) N,(string(k),k=1,N)
            C     suppose user gave:  sin($1) + ln($2)
            C     add zero byte at the end of string
            C     parse the  string
                  npar = INIFIE( string )
            C     $1 indicates the first parameter, $2 the second
            C     npar contains the number of parameters (here 2)
            C     now check whether an error occurred while parsing
                  IF (npar .lt. 0)
                     write(*,*) ’ error at position’,-npar,’ in code’
            C     now load the parameters
                  FOR i = 1, 10
                     read(*,*) pars(i)                ! load $1
                  FOR i = 11, 20
                     read(*,*) pars(i)                ! load $2
            C     set error value and evaluate the function with the
            C     parameters stored in pars.
                  errval = -9999.9                    ! error value
                  call DOFIE(pars,10,result,errval)
            C     The last two statements would be equivalent to the 
            C     following statements:
            C     FOR i = 1,10
            C        p1 = pars(i)                     ! $1 parameters
            C        p2 = pars(i+10)                  ! $2 parameter
            C        IF (p2 .le. 0.0)
            C        THEN
            C           result(i) = errval            ! error value
            C        ELSE
            C           result(i) = sin(p1) + log(p2) ! do the fie
            C        CIF
            C     CFOR
VMS Notes:  If you want to use this routine in one of your programs,
            an extra C library (sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb) is needed 
            by the linker. Gipsy programmers should use a command
            file <programname>.COM, which should contain:

See Also

herinp(3NEMO) , nemoinp(3NEMO)


R. Kiel (and K.G. Begeman, P.J. Teuben)


$NEMO/src/pjt/clib    fie.c (fortran callable) nemofie.c (C-callable) fie_ftoc.c


12-mar-87    document created                          KGB
25-mar-87    small change in document                  KGB
28-may-87    RJK bug removed                          KGB
27-oct-87    KGB bug removed                       RJK
15-dec-88    Minor things for INTEGER*4 unix version      PJT
19-jun-89    Merged new GR version with NEMO again - routinenames appending _c    PJT
26-aug-01    added cosd/sind/tand        PJT
3-apr-2023    added range()    PJT

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