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direct - Calculates the gravitational acceleration and potential for all particles in an N-body simulation output using the direct, O(N^2), method.


direct [-e <fSoftRadius>] [-spline] [-plummer] [-uniform]
   [-p <xyzPeriod>] [-G <fGravConst>] [-b <iBlockSize>]

   [-dgs] [-do <MarkFile>] [-o <FileName>]

   [-i <iChkptInterval>] [-restart] [-v] [-t]


Reads particles from stdin in the tipsy binary format.


[-e <fSoftRadius>]: Default: takes softening from input file
This argument sets the softening length used in calculating the gravitational interactions for all particles.

[-spline]: This is the default.
Specifies that cubic spline softening is to be used. The equations for the interaction are those specified by equations (A1) and (A2) from the paper TREESPH: A UNIFICATION OF SPH WITH THE HIERARCHICAL TREE METHOD, Lars Hernquist and Neal Katz, APJ Supplement Series 70:416-446, 1989.

Specifies that plummer softening is to be used. The interaction is given by phi = -m/(|r|^2 + h^2)^(1/2) and a = -m*r/(|r|^2 + h^2)^(3/2), where h is the softening length and r is the vector from particle j to particle i. Note: this type of softening is NOT newtonian beyond some distance as are the other softening methods. This can put an otherwise equilibrium model slightly out of equilibrium.

Specifies that uniform-density sphere softening is to be used. The interaction is given by phi = -m*|r|^2/h^3, a = -m*r/h^3 for (|r| < h) and phi = -m/|r| and a = -m*r/|r|^3 for (|r| >= h) where h is the softening length and r is the vector from particle j to particle i.

[-p <xyzPeriod>]: Default: non-periodic calculation
This argument specifies that periodic boundary conditions are to be considered in calculating gravity. The argument value sets the size (length of each side) of the periodic box which contains the particles. The Ewald summation method is used when calculating the gravitational interactions.

[-G <fGravConst>]: Default fGravConst = 1.0
This argument allows the user to specify the gravitational constant used by direct to calculate the gravitational interactions.

[-b <iBlockSize>]: Default iBlockSize = 256
This argument optimizes direct’s use of the primary cache on the machine. It should be set to reflect the size of your machine’s primary data cache. The default value assumes a primary data cache size of 16k bytes. If you know the size of your primary data cache then the formula is iBlockSize = nPrimaryDataBytes / 64. You can also try different iBlockSize values on a small data-set, to get the optimum value.

[-dgs]: Default: all particles considered (-dgs)
This set of flags allows the user to specify the particle types to be considered for the gravity calculation. If the user specifies -d, then only the dark matter particles are considered. With -dg, both dark and gas particles are considered but any star particles are ignored. The default is, effectively -dgs.

[-do <MarkFile>]: Default action: all [-dgs] selected particles are calculated

This flag allows only marked particles to be calculated. The effects of the other selected particles are still taken into account. The mark file is in TIPSY ARRAY format, where an entry of NOT-zero means that the particle is marked for calculation. A zero entry means the particle’s acceleration and potential will not be calculated, but its effects on any marked particles will be included. The accelerations and potentials of all the unmarked particles are output as zero.

[-o <FileName>]: Default Output Name = "direct"
This allows the user to specify an alternate name for the output files. For example, if the user specifies -o king on the command line, then direct will by produce the files king.acc and king.pot.

[-i <iChkptInterval>]: Default is no checkpoint files
This argument enables the generation of checkpoint files. The interval between successive checkpoints is given in number of blocks by <iChkptInterval>. This is useful when large data-sets are being generated to allow recovery after a system crash or other problem. The -restart flag allows restarting the calculation from the last checkpoint.

[-restart]: Default is no restart
This flag enables restart mode. All command line arguments are ignored other than -o <FileName>, -i <iChkptInterval> and -v. If -o <FileName> is specified, direct will restart the calculation from the checkpoint file <FileName>.chk, otherwise it looks for the file direct.chk and restarts from that. Note: if you do not specify a new <iChkptInterval>, then direct will not remove the checkpoint file at the end of the calculation.

[-v]: Default is no output
This flag allows the user to enable diagnostic output (on stdout). The output produced is the block indecies which direct is currently processing. The time between outputs should be roughly constant. This will make you feel better when direct is calculating a lagre data-set, where the time between start and any real output generated is large. It will also output the CPU time used by direct a the end.

[-t]: Default is test-mode not enabled
This flag is a developer’s flag and simply does a "no-brainer" N^2 algorithm to test the other features of this tool. Checkpointing is not enabled when this flag is specified.


Direct is a tool designed to test more complicated gravity codes such as Barnes-Hut, Fast Multipole and error-controlling tree-codes as well as FFT codes. It is also the method of choice when dealing with less than about 10000 particles. The primary application remains the testing and error analysis of more sophisticated codes. Typical things looked at are the distrbution of relative and absolute errors in the acceleration as well as the maximum and rms values. Another application when a well understood mass distribution is calculated (such as a king model), is the analysis of the discreteness noise as a function of N.

The method used by direct to calculate the gravitational accelerations and potentials is to process the interaction matrix (an NxN matrix with entry_ij being the interaction between particle i and particle j) in blocks. The interaction matrix is also anti-symmetric with respect to the accelerations (a_ij + a_ji = 0, i!=j) and symmetric with respect to potentials (p_ij - p_ji = 0, i!=j). This allows only the lower triangle of blocks to be calculated, with special treatment of the diagonal blocks. This makes direct quite a bit faster than the simplest implementation, and when the block size is set properly (see -b <iBlockSize> above) makes it scale exactly as O(N^2) in CPU time.

The softening is now "symmetric", such that the softening used for an interaction is taken to be the average of the softenings of the two interacting particles, h_ij = 0.5*(h_i + h_j). For the case where all particles have the same softening, the results are of course the same.

Output Files

direct.acc : This ASCII file is in TIPSY VECTOR format and contains the acceleration vectors of all particles in the input file. If certain types of particles were omitted with the -dgs flag combination, then the acceleration in this file will be zero for those particles. This file can be read in by tipsy or any other analysis tool able to read this format.

direct.pot : This ASCII file is in TIPSY ARRAY format and contains the potentials of all particles in the input file. If certain types of particles were omitted with the -dgs flag combination, then the potential in this file will be zero for those particles. This file can be read in by tipsy or any other analysis tool able to read this format.


> direct -e 0.1 -o dark < dark.bin

This calculates the gravitational acceleration and potential for all particles in the tipsy binary input file dark.bin. The softening radius is set to 0.1 and the masses for the particles are taken from the input file. The gravitational constant is the default G = 1.0. The files dark.acc and dark.pot are produced.

> direct -p 1 -o dark_p < dark.bin

This calculates the gravitational acceleration and potential for all particles in the tipsy binary input file dark.bin. The softening radii and masses for the particles are taken from the input file. The calculation will take into consideration periodic boundary conditions with a periodic box of length 1.0. The Ewald summation technique is used to include the effects of periodic boundary conditions. The gravitational constant is the default G = 1.0. The files dark_p.acc and dark_p.pot are produced.

> direct -e 0.025 -v -d < gasrun.bin

This calculates the gravitational acceleration and potential for only the dark matter particles of the input file gasrun.bin. The accelerations and potentials of the gas particles will be set to zero in the output files. Verbose output is requested, and will cause direct to output diagnostic output on stdout. Softening radius of 0.025 is used and the gravitational constant is again G = 1.0. The default files direct.acc and direct.pot are produced.

> direct -o big -v -i 10000 -restart

This restarts a previous calculation from the checkpoint file, big.chk. Verbose output is requested and a new checkpoint interval of 10000 is specified (this is likely the same as the previously used value).


1) Since direct is an O(N^2) method (and scales precisely so), it can take VERY long to calculate large problems. For a million particles, a week to several weeks of CPU time may be required.

2) If you are using periodic boundary conditions EXPECT the calculation to take about 100 times longer! This increase in time is due to the very expensive Ewald interactions. Note: faster, more approximate techniques exist for handling periodic BCs, but this code was designed to provide a correct answer.

3) Do NOT modify the doubles in the code to floats. Although this provides significant speedup, the results may not be useful due to round-off errors.

4) Round-off and truncation errors are an aspect where a high precision multipole calculation (such as FMM code) may well produce more accurate results. Be careful in using direct to test such codes!


Please report any!

See Also

tipsy(1) , smooth(1)

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