and executable [-v] [-f tasklist] [-h] [-u]
ccdmoms man: [’in’, ’out’, ’mom’, ’weights’, ’axis’, ’win’, ’sigma’] bin: [’in’, ’out’, ’mom’, ’weight’, ’axis’, ’win’, ’sigma’]
has an obvious typo in the man page for the weight keyword
By default a predefined tasklist is used, but this is not an exhaustive list. Using the -f flag another list could be passed (only the first word per line is the name of the program to be checked).
Each time when mknemo(8NEMO) is used, it puts updated information on the task in $NEMO/etc/tasklist
% cd $NEMO % make checkpars python -v > checkpars.log Files read: 200 Bad files found: 104 % more checkpars.log
$NEMO/src/scripts/ script $NEMO/src/scripts/tasklist default list of binaries to check $NEMO/etc/tasklist active list made via mknemo(1NEMO)
15-apr-2021 first version PPT 30-apr-2021 added -v flag PPT 06-may-2021 added -h flag PPT 21-may-2021 draft man created PJT 29-may-2021 added -f flag PPT 22-jul-2021 added -u flag PPT 01-jun-2022 run from anywhere PPT