Since derived from an earlier version of tkrun(1l) , sometimes also referred to a TKRUN V2 format.
The keyword specification
is in three parts on a line: setting a default keyword value (this will
be language specific), a commented help, and the special #> comment that
specifies the GUI elements, e.g. for csh this would look as follows for a
slider that is allowed to go from 0 to 10 in steps of 0.1, but with a default
of 1.0
set a=1 # some help on this keyword #> SCALE 0:10:0.1
key=val # help #> GUIspecification, but the client software (bash/csh/python/....) is responsible to properly parse the key=val command line arguments. Here are the proposed
GUI tags with generic key=val/help/agui sections
in=foo # input file #> IFILE out=bar # output file #> OFILE text=hello # some text #> ENTRY mode=gauss # the mode #> RADIO gauss,newton,leibniz stats=mean # what to show #> CHECK sum,mean,sigma,skewness,kurtosis n=3.141592 # the n value #> SCALE 0:10:0.01 k=3.141592 # k, use n #> LINK n
1-nov-2023 V1.0 documented from qtrun and pythena PJT