UNS (Unified N-Body Snapshot) files can be in any of the understood file formats (see unsio manual page).
% mkexpdisk - 20000 | gyrfalcON - - kmax=6 logfile=/dev/null step=0 tstop=1.5 | uns_2dplot - all range=1.5 dev=framethis simulation is piped into uns_2plot to create a series of gif files, one for each of the 96 timesteps, which can then be combined into a movie using for example ffmpeg:
% ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame.%5d.gif -r 25 -threads 2 -vcodec libx264 -vpre default -b 4000k -y plot.aviafter this you can for example use mplayer in a loop to replay it:
% mplayer -loop 0 plot.aviThe last frame (#96) looks as follows:
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