Position Velocity Data Cubes

Here is an example how to generate a data cube (X-Y-V), where X is along the major axis, Y along the minor axis, and V the doppler velocity. In this example we use a monte carlo approach and generate particles in a rotation disk using various prescriptions. See for example mkexpdisk or mkbaredisk .

A simple model

On the left channel number 180 out of 256 of an exponential disk inclined at 60 degrees. On the right a pos-vel map along the major axis.

The script that generated this plot

%  ./mk_posvel_cube.csh 
%  nds9 run1.5 
%  nds9 run1.6 

can also be viewed/downloaded here. This 256 x 256 x 256 cube based on 10M particles took about 30 seconds to compute on a 2011-type intel-7 computer.

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